No new scrounge this weekend , just moving scrounged wood to the house .

You can find plenty of old homes and foundations here in the northeast built around central chimneys. In the 1700s the homes were tiny compared to the massive amount of stone in the center. Even as some of these homes expanded, they never took down the original portion with the central chimney.
You should block any direct paths to the second floor such as stairways. As far as moving air, a simple fan mounted at the ceiling and blowing air below the door will help but the degree of help this provides depends on how many rooms you're trying to heat. Have you considered opening the doorway to the rest of the house? Larger openings encourage circulation. You will still need to restrict air movement to the upper floors but it will be easier to create flow to the stove. If you have a basement then one option is to put in floor vents for return air which lead to a plenum under the stove. You could encouraging air to circulate by drawing it from the coolest part of the room into the cooler basement then returning it to the stove. It would then circulate through the house back out to the rooms with floor vents.
View attachment 401817 I've been busy scrounging up some red gum for two days now all done should be about 10cm3View attachment 401812View attachment 401814 View attachment 401815View attachment 401816 View attachment 401816
If we're building homes from lessons learned then why aren't builders placing the daggone chimney in the center!
Because we aren't heating with wood anymore. Banks don't want to finance a house with wood as a primary heat. Insurance companies would rather see wood as a secondary or not at all. Cookie cutter homes take more time to build with large masonry chimneys. We've learned that oil and gas are easier to heat with so that's what we're using.
Mentioned this before somewhere on this site but I find it a bit crazy that the newer construction homes have chimneys on outer walls. I guess a lot of them use gas stoves but I see a few that are burning wood. If we're building homes from lessons learned then why aren't builders placing the daggone chimney in the center! Anyways.
Only issue with somehow blocking the second floor is I'm almost too tall for the stairwell ceiling. If I don't tilt my head coming down the stairs I'll walk right into the stair well ceiling. The basement is only under the kitchen and crawl space under the rest of the house.
Is red gum as hard to split as sweet gum?
Not knowing what sweet gum looks like but I know most of the gum family should be split while it is green still
Yes it is hard as nails and has a real mean twist threw the wood which can make it difficult to split with a armstrong axe. But with a hyd splitter its easy as or for the nasty bits I just use the chain axe (chainsaw) makes quick work of the bits that won't go threw the splitter
Split while green, good luck! You must have some of that Maori strength lol.
Just noticed you're from NZ. You ever watch/hear of the movie Once Were Warriors? Love that movie.
Certainly have I've seen oww about 20 times love that movie too it's brilliant there's a few good nz movies worlds fastest Indian,goodbye porky pie
Yeah real easy to split green when dry I've had sparks come off gum when the axe splits it
Have got a pretty good hydraulic wood splitter that's eats firewood
It's my missus that s got the Maori strength haha
bout the same here in the midwestern area of minnesota too. i have a yard that has a couple large patches of snow but mostly brown. been that way all winter so farSpeaking of snow, I've had a grand total of about 5 inches so far this winter. No idea what the hell to do with all the sleds the in-laws bought for us. Leaf firewood skidders?
It's a welcomed relief. Interestingly enough the last five winters in MN have had two with no snow and three with record/near record snow.bout the same here in the midwestern area of minnesota too. i have a yard that has a couple large patches of snow but mostly brown. been that way all winter so far
All the snow you want, free
Come and get it
That big mound next to the splitter is the rounds I never had a chance to split, leave that.
Snow, hail, frezzing rain, ice and lots more snow, bitter cold wind chill.
Not wasting winter this year.
I have a pile of ice covered Oak next to the heater, takes about two days to dry enuff to burn.
Of course we have the Zogger to blame, blasted Polar Vortex he called down.
I think of you often Zog, esp. when I take William (17yr old Poodle) out to pee and the wind blows up my skirts.
William has old timers and get confused easy, have to keep track or he'll get lost.
Blasted birds are eating me broke, 50# sunflower seeds only last about 10 days. Suet cakes about 3 days.
I enjoy watching them or I wouldn't feed them.
Back to trying to refill a Bic lighter.
I should be spinning up some 3/8 LP chain loops for my new saw, the mighty 33cc Tanaka.
I pulled the limiters and fatened the mix, now it runs like it should. Gonna like this saw, all 10 1/2 pounds.
Blasted EPA, CAB and anybody else who messed with our saws, may all their engines heat seize.
Got side tracked again. Have to haul in more ice covered oak and thaw it out, nutter cold snap coming.
TNX again Zog.
tell him it's 'cause your in NORTH Georgia.My boss blames the cold weather on me, too![]()