Things do not look good for my wooding. I went down to Von's on Sunday to remove another three. There are only 4 left there, the first two are too risky due to power lines, The next one is only very small and the lasst one is a 2 stemmer with the crotch at about 7' - diameter of stems look to be about 30". Diameter of base is at least 5'. Grass is right at 5' high. I needed to use a cane to get around in there and decided to call Von and tell him I am done cutting there but will be back to finish cleaning up all the deadfall after the cows cut the grass down to where I can see things. I do not have another site and my physical health, although good has a problem with left hip. Hurts to walk after I pick up anything near heavy.
End of chain sawing? I hope not. I do still have Jim's small locust to work on and will continue but only a day or two a week. Dunno what I'll do to kill time the rest of the week.
I may ask around for another will grove to cut in, my wife always said I have no common sense! If I find one, I will have to cut way back on how much and often I work at it.