Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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A P+C for a MS880 goes for about $450, and that does not include installation. If the saw needs a full rebuild (bearings, etc) it can get very expensive if you don't do it yourself.

FYI, Meteor pistons are NOT recommended for use in this saw (by those in the know).
If you're referring to my recent post about one on CL, I've decided to pass on the saw. Thanks to those here that convinced me it may be more than my needs among other concerns. I'm going to work on the 046 and see where that takes me.

P.S. Just checked and the ad is gone. None issue now.

It’s a cool damp 39 degrees here. Definitely felt colder than that.

I’ve got a few saws to wrench on today then head to a surprise birthday party for a friend of my wife’s.

I’ll stop at the house after the party to grab some repaired saws I need to test. I’ve got plenty of rounds to split but probably only 2-3 more trees to cut at the neighbor’s place here. In a couple weeks I’ve got some more cutting to do around home.
You guys remember a couple years ago when I said I had almost ran out of geriatric aspen to cut? Well that was a lie. Lol.

I have removed all of them from my property at the house. And only a couple left that could potentially fall into my yard at the cabin. But as I sit here drinking coffee I can see a lot more out in the woods. And of course most of my neighbors haven’t been as proactive as I have been.

Judging by the rate they are dying/falling, I figure in another ten years they’ll all be gone.
This is the 20" vine infested dead Ash I cut yesterday. Was leaning the wrong way so had to be roped and pulled. That Maasdam Rope Puller continues to impress me.

Used the 462 w/24" to fell and buck the large end, the 261 w/18" to limb and do smaller bucking, and my old 044 w/20" to do the middle bucking. Was good to give the old gal some run time, she is almost 28 years old now!

The tree was nice and solid and will make for good firewood for this year.


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Was up at the cabin with my 2 Daughters, SIL, and 3 G kids Mon - Wed. We had a great time, and I even got pics of the Sotz Wood Stove and stove tools they used to sell (poker, rake and shovel).

The warming plate (under the coffee pot) is an up side down rail road track tie. It has a small air gap so it does not get too hot. It provides humidity and hot water for the morning if we leave it on all night.


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Is that s good thing or not? Are they being replaced by healthier trees or?
Yes and yes.

This area was logged 108 years ago and these trees are the reprog from that cut. Aspen have an average lifespan of 80-90 years so the trees we still have are in decline. The multitude of white birch trees are also in decline.

Aspen are very good at self regeneration through root suckers. In addition, other pioneer species like red maple and balsam are present. And a few new birch. IMO a young forest is much better for wild game and also sustains extreme storms much better.
DITTO!! Since the upgrade the birthday list is fubar.
I just realized that. And the only way to view it is through the “today’s birthdays” list. Unfortunately sagetown has passed, he kept track of all of that.

Soneone else might have a birthday coming up too.
Muscle Memory

It had been a while since I felled any trees, and my cuts were not level or pretty. I spent a few days up North with a friend, clearing some dead / dying balsam fir for fire protection, and after a little while, started making level notches that met cleanly, without over thinking things too much.

Same thing with filing: I usually use a grinder, and it had been a while since I filed a chain, except for touch ups. I had bought this new Tecomec clamp-on file guide to try, and things were a bit rough at first, even with a sharp, new file. Some of it was the new device: I had to oil the guide rod, and it took a little while for it to 'break in' too. By the third chain, things felt like I knew what I was doing again.


Also found a 'surprise' (!):

Sometimes, we need a little time to practice, to regain that muscle memory, and to restore confidence.

You know that wood ain't red oak right :laugh:.
Well I finished up the "red oak". :rolleyes:
Did a few loads of not highly valuable English walnut.
And found a bunch of this "yellow oak".
20200905_124831.jpgSeems like trash: thick bark, splits too easy, good sized growth rings, probably no good for firewood. I'll just dump it in the burn pile. Wish I knew *someone* with a new trailer that was driving past the area that could haul about 2 cords of this junk away. Oh well, it will be gone in a couple of hours. :innocent:
I just realized that. And the only way to view it is through the “today’s birthdays” list. Unfortunately sagetown has passed, he kept track of all of that.

Soneone else might have a birthday coming up too.
The birthday and new member list has been combined. PITA. I only look for guys here and the GMT. I miss ol sagetown.:( Helluva great guy..
Spent some time this morning splitting the Hedge I recently got. I needed some more Cherry and I new of one log at the tree guys first log yard which he rarely uses any more. There were actually two logs there, one of which I had to drag out with a chain. Originally I had a shot of a full load of Cherry in my truck, but for some reason, my camera lost it. Great something else needing repair.
He was actively burning there and right next to the burn pile was 2-3 loads worth of the rest of the Hedge. So tomorrow I'm going to be rushing around trying to save as much of it as I can before it gets pushed on. And now both this new stuff will have to be split so my trailer is free for a Monday delivery. No much rest on this Holiday weekend.
Started working on the large dead birch I dropped this spring behind the cabin.

There are a few forked rounds that I couldn’t even touch with the Isocore so I’ll noodle them when I run out of straight wood. The rest of it is splitting pretty nicely for wood that’s been bucked for close to 5 months.

And another stupid balsam uprooted over the past couple of weeks. I guess I’ll work that one up plus the totem pole in the foreground once I get the birch hauled out.
I've cleaned out the back rows of this year's bay in the wood shed. 5th Sep 4.jpg

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Refilled with four cubes of mostly peppermint with a little candlebark. From here I burn my way forward and refill from the back as rows empty out.

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Much of it is already bark-free but I debark the rest as I go which is a major exercise in delayed gratification for nice burning in two years' time but also it gives some firepit material for tonight. Today is Father's Day in Oz.

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