Remember how I said I got my sled fixed? Well I decided to try riding out to the trail head but the problem was it hadnt been touched for quite some time. I had to (attempt to) break a trail through the woods. Well, the only way to keep from sinking is to carry enough speed to stay on top of the snow... (mind you, I already knew this was a bad idea before I started and knew exactly how this was going to end.)
So Im about 3-400 feet into the woods on the neighbors property and its a newly marked trail this year and I was slow to negoatiate a slight turn and had to stop to avoid confrontation with a tree. So what happens is you have to get off the sled and lift the front end and drag it over and get it pointed in the direction you want to head. Keep in mind, while that sounds simple, the probability of burrying the sled when you take off is 200% unless to walk and pack a path in front of it as wide as the sled for ~20 feet, the longer the better your odds are at making it out. That gives you enough traction and speed to get back on top of the snow, usually. So I hop off the sled and immediately sink up to my belly button in snow and the only reason I stopped there is because the snow pack around my crotch. So I take the next half hour breaking the snow down in front of the sled and getting it lined up where I need to go. Take off and get about a sled length past the section I walked out and get my sled burried.
All bets are off now, Im stuck and headed slightly up hill to make matters worse. Only option now is to get turned around and head home. So now, to get unstuck you have to trample around the sled to give it some room and get the snow unpacked, lift the rear of the sled out of the hole it dug and drag the sled back. Trample an area of snow down off the to side and drag the rear of the sled into it like a "K turn".
Got turned around and headed out but only made it another 20 feet before getting stuck again. This time it was the worst. When the rear bumper is flush with the semi-packed snow your standing on its a bad day and very hard to lift out. To make matters worse snow does some funny thing when you start disturbing it. It acts like concrete and starts to harden up. So 30-40 minutes into trying to get this out again and the snow is starting to setup. I managed to get it out but I was exhausted after all of this and moving 2 face cords earlier. My wife was not impressed with me taking so long.