I forget if I posted these pics a week or so back, so here they are again. My neighbor is having 5 big clump Cherries taken down. The tree company sent a 3 man crew out for a couple hours one day. Their Dingo they use to load logs was broke down. They said I could have all the wood, I love Cherry, and they threw what they could lift over the fence. I put the forks on my loader and got 10 loads. My loader is rated at 900 pounds, and I had the rear tires coming off the ground. I figure those ten loads are at least 1 1/2 cord. If you look at the tree they topped out, it's the smallest one in the yard, and there is probably more wood left in the topped out one than what I took. The rest of the story, they are coming back Saturday to finish up, and the Dingo is fixed. They are loading up their dump truck and bringing it to me. Did I mention I love Cherry.