My vote is for the Jonsered Iron Horse. I've wanted one for a while but they are expensive little things and hard to justify owning. I'd build one if I had the time and tools. The tracked ones are nice because of the snow we get in NY. Although Ive considered a DR brush mower with the wagon attachment also.
Didnt get a picture of the sugar shack because I didnt go to breakfast.

Poor communication between the wife and I, I guess... We stoped in at my neighbors shack and did a little tasting and bought some goodies so not all was waisted. The big shack is having another breakfast next weekend so we'll try it one more time. Lots of excitement at my neighbors shack before we arived. NY Senator Patty Richie stopped in and tapped a tree. This was the second year he's had the Senator stop and tap a tree so it kind of neat to know the Senator was right next door...
I cant believe the last few days here in NY, its been down right cold again. Over a week ago I said I was done with firewood and was dipping into next years but when its this cold out I can help keep the fire rolling. I keep moving firewood with my Stratus from my log pile and from a dead maple I took down with my 285 a week ago. I'm glad I cut that maple, it makes nice heat. As is right now, I think Im short on firewood for next season. I need to get a load of logs arrainged or I'll have to do some heavy scrounging this spring/summer. I might have enough if I buy a Blaze King though.
BTW, measuring your cuts is for the birds. Once you get enough saw time you can eye 16, 18, 20" lengths no problem. Waist of time IMO but if you need some reference then figure out from your bar tip towards the saw and mark it. Then before your cut turn the saw and eye your mark on the log. Once you get one or two rounds cut to the length it becomes easy to eye the next cut without your reference mark on the bar. I bet if you cut some rounds without using a tape or reference marker you'd be real suprised how close you come.