No, I sent you an e-,mail. I was supposed to go tomorrow, I told him I wanted it and would pay full price "cash". He promised to hold it for me till tomorrow, but when I sent a confirmation e-mail tonight, he told me he sold it to a friend today. (An 046 with original DP muffler, low hrs, in great shape).
I'm very disappointed, not often you will come across something like that, and he was the original owner. I'm just too darn busy in Tax Season to go 1.25 hr each way. I've got to make the money and keep my clients. Got a lot done today.
I'm very disappointed, not often you will come across something like that, and he was the original owner. I'm just too darn busy in Tax Season to go 1.25 hr each way. I've got to make the money and keep my clients. Got a lot done today.