Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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No, I sent you an e-,mail. I was supposed to go tomorrow, I told him I wanted it and would pay full price "cash". He promised to hold it for me till tomorrow, but when I sent a confirmation e-mail tonight, he told me he sold it to a friend today. (An 046 with original DP muffler, low hrs, in great shape).

I'm very disappointed, not often you will come across something like that, and he was the original owner. I'm just too darn busy in Tax Season to go 1.25 hr each way. I've got to make the money and keep my clients. Got a lot done today.
No, I sent you an e-,mail. I was supposed to go tomorrow, I told him I wanted it and would pay full price "cash". He promised to hold it for me till tomorrow, but when I sent a confirmation e-mail tonight, he told me he sold it to a friend today. (An 046 with original DP muffler, low hrs, in great shape).

I'm very disappointed, not often you will come across something like that, and he was the original owner. I'm just too darn busy in Tax Season to go 1.25 hr each way. I've got to make the money and keep my clients. Got a lot done today.

I have a chance to by a used 046 and a 460. both are arctic versions and look to be in good shape. Just wondering if I could get your opinion on which you think would be a better saw. Are there benefits to the older model 046 that make it more desirable than the newer 460?
My brother has an arctic 460 also. I believe most 046s and 460s are basically the same, but some of the early 046s dubbed "Magnam" had dp muff covers from the factory, and the early saws may have the D combustion chamber and better port timing.

I don't know the SN range for the good cylinders, but I think the 046s started in the 133****** range, and by the time they got to 140******, there was basically no difference from the 460.

I would pick up the one that is in better shape, unless you find an early one. Also note that the Arctic saws may weight a little more.

Also, the 046/460 s respond very well to being ported.

Good Luck.
It was a beautiful sunny day today, a nice one for the end of tax season! I pulled out all 4 saws, topped off the fluids, and started them all up w/o any problems. Was even able to pull the cord with my right arm w/o any pain!!! I did postpone my cut scheduled for tomorrow until Sat due to the forecast of rain all day, no use messin with that.

I then ran around to the stores to get grass seed, propane for the grill, and gasoline for the mowers and chainsaws.

Then I put some air in the tires and took my Mtn bike for a ride, roads are too dirty for the road bike. My first outdoor bike ride of the year, felt good to get out!
Southern fried wuss! Cold wet and rainy out, I lit the smogger! I knew not to be faked out, still April, had left a handful of splits and kindling inside. Didn't have to go out in the wet and "scrounge" any.

Can't be that cold can it? It's been a beautiful day here. I'm going camping this weekend with the family and dog right after a full day of scrounging tomorrow.

Oh yeah almost forgot. You ever hear of a corn burning heater? I've been riding to VA with another guy in my unit. He burns corn for heat. Says it's really efficient and the price of corn seems really cheap. Corn seems to be a relatively easy crop to grow. Would be kind of awesome being able to grow your own heating fuel.
Anyone need any matches for camping , just pay for the shipping LOL
Still dragging in scrounged wood and continuous burn in the furnace , at least I don't need the draft wide open ......

Brought home a load today, but into combination hauling right now, snowmobile to the edge of the woods, then atv to the truck (I refuse to bury the tractor up to the belly pan this year). Up to match number 8 this year, that box of 250 is gonna last a long time. Kinda like my deer hunting shells, a box of twenty lasts 20 years and there's meat in the freezer every season.

At least in the winter all the snow tracked into the shack just melts and goes away, the darn mud, well just dries into dirt to continue on.
Drive an hour south from here and the tulips are up , I've still got more than a foot and a half of snow in the back yard , ice in the driveway and can show you snow on some roofs on my way to work .
No lakes are completely open , most being still froze over and the guys are still ice fishing smelts in one of the ocean harbours that freezes over .

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