thanks for sharing, svk. i missed the skidoo's first time i looked at it!! lolStill a lot of clutter but it’s coming along! It was SUPER humid that’s why the floor is wet.
View attachment 996197
thanks for sharing, svk. i missed the skidoo's first time i looked at it!! lolStill a lot of clutter but it’s coming along! It was SUPER humid that’s why the floor is wet.
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maybe for parking! in the making....Looks too much like my garage......except for the big empty space.
It was a losing battle with my ex around… Nobody could touch “her” stuff but “her” stuff was mixed in with everybody else’s stuff. After she took what she wanted and moved out most of the garage was just a pile of random stuff about 2 feet tall. We made great progress and also have six snowmobile’s across the back wall that need to be stored in the enclosed trailer before that.
you mean like this:Thanks! Though I cannot lay claim to designing the crotch in that walnut tree.![]()
I tried to tell @chipper1 that when he was planning his pole barn. Dang kids.Nice and spacious!Wish I had built mine bigger. They are never big enough, regardless of size. They eventually fill up one way or another!
I agree. I want a small heated shop (more efficient to stick build) but beyond that whatever doesn’t fit into this garage isn’t needed.This and my parents' 4 car 2 story garage, with another 2 cars worth of storage on the ends, is why I refuse to have more space... Yes my woodworking shop is cramped at times for big projects but it holds a finite amount of stuff. That means I have to get rid of stuff instead of storing it in perpetuity. For example, I really need to get all the chainsaws and the pole saw out of there and into the equipment shed, the chainsaw pants are dry and can be taken down, the dog crate can go in the store room, all the clamps need to be put back in their place, etc., while I'm working on the natural edge walnut slab counter top. That slab had/has a lot of tension in it and I had to rip it lengthwise to stop the cupping. Then there was a new crack and twisting... it's flat now. I hope it stays that way! The scrap walnut will be firewood! The ends will be cut to fit in the wall opening so much of the left side of the ends in the image with the highly figured end will be removed. I plan to make a template this week so I can cut the top to fit. Note that sanding swarf and shadows are giving the surface some odd looking spots that aren't really there!
View attachment 996224View attachment 996225 while I'm working on the
Good on ya!My trip to NH yesterday went well, 195 miles each way and the truck got 23.7 MPG w/traffic jams and a stop at Cabela's! Still had more than 1/4 tank when I got home!
Got to see my youngest Grandson, and they loved the benches.
Cabela's said only one container of powder, and they did not have anything I wanted in 1 lb containers, so I got 8 lbs of H-335, my favorite 223 powder (good for over 2,000 rounds). I can also use it in the 30-30 or 308. In addition, picked up 1,500 rounds of 22 Hp.
You guys are posting way too much to keep up with!
Figured Id share a couple milling pic's. I don't mill nearly as much as I use to. When I was much younger. A high school flame of mine and I lived in a 16 x 24 cabin. That I built out of Spruce framing and western cedar siding. All milled with a 066 on a 32" Granberg. Wish I had pictures. Although the flame was extinguished long ago. the memories Stihl remain. Probably always will. It was some good times in my life.Thanks! Though I cannot lay claim to designing the crotch in that walnut tree.![]()
I've almost pulled a stack over on me a couple times!Woodstack-alanche!. It happens some years and it just happened. Still, I was doing a bit of restacking to a higher height to make a bit of extra room so it hasn't caused much extra work.... But I'd prefer to restack to a schedule of my own choosing
85F here today, hottest day this year. Supposed to be 93f tomorrow. Hottest UK June day on record was 96f in 1976.... The fabled long hot summer of '76. We could be in for another scorcher