I've had some bad ones on the dirt, and some long painful ones on the street. It sucks when all you can do is just surf it out until it eventually catches and sends you tumbling, then you get to look at your bike still sliding/tumbling when you finally stop

The last one on the road I called my wife to pick me up, being the awesome woman she is she asked me if I wanted her to bring the trailer

, I said no, just hurry. When she got there and asked why I didn't want the trailer, I explained that I only had so much time before the adrenaline ran out and I needed to scrub out my wounds lol.
She asked me not to ride not long after that one, it was the third time going down that summer and our son was 1, not sure why me doing wheelies past the van at 70+ was a problem, maybe it was when they didn't go so well

A friend from school and his father are both paralyzed waist down from dirt bike accidents

He's a real go getter though, you should see his off-road wheelchair, looks like this one except better quality/ more H/D.
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