That's kind of ironic. I have property on the headwaters of Lost River in Hardy County WV. Lost River is the cleanest cold water river feeding the Chesapeake Bay. It also has native populations of Brook Trout. So, they have a massive initiative to keep the waters clean and cold. My neighbor has 120 acres of pasture land for their sheep. They just fenced all of his pastures and streams at a cost of $68,000, put in a stock tank and well, all he had to pay for was a 25' phone pole for the well and the future electric. He's been given $19,000 over 4 years for not planting, and letting them plant trees along the streams to shade the water and keep it cool. All of this was from government and conservation groups, like Trout Unlimited. I think it's a worthy project. Lost River is a beautiful river. But, they are paying farmers not to use chemicals, then every one else uses them for pest and vegetation control. Don't even think of telling the politicians in Annapolis they have to let weeds grow on their golf courses. A friend just retired, he was the director of the Chesapeake Bay for DNR or Dept of Ag, I forget. I called him and said they offered to pay me the fair market value of my 30 acres if I put it in the Trust. Since I only use it for my rifle range and to hunt and relax, their plans fit in mine already, so I felt like a crook extorting them for money to do what I do anyway. He said look into it. I keep my property, can sell it, give it to my kids, cut hay off it. But once it's in the program, all future owners have to abide by the conditions set up. I do have input on future use of the land, nothing really changes for me. Another plus for me, they may pay me a stipend for cutting down and burning invasive species like Russian Olives which are taking over my hay field.