Love them Fiskars! Nice wedge there too!
How is that considered payment!!! Nice score.Payment is I have to go fishing in Canada with him this fall and bring beer.......he is a great guy.
How is that considered payment!!! Nice score.
IDK how your going to manage to help process the wood. You arm must be hurting from all the twisting it received. I still think that deserves a 'you suck'.Heh...not sure, I invited him on ice fishing trip up to Lake of the Woods couple months ago. He lives about 1/2 mile away as the crow flies from me. He said had too much wood sitting by his place already. Will probably spend a saturday or few nites over there, help splitting sometime. He got a Super Split, so can throw wood for a while to feed that hungry
Indeed, great looking splits!Nice load of cherry. Do you have a smoker?
I think you will be disappointed if you burn this in your (open) fireplace. Cherry snaps and pops like crazy. Some times I feel like I need a face shield when I burn a big load of it and then stir the coals. Those popers come out and bite ya!Man! I had scrounged a load of cherry all dancan style in the back of my 98 Cherokee and then forgot to take a picture until it was unloaded and stacked. Oh well, here it is anyway - should make nice fireplace wood. Got it from friends in the city who had a couple of big trees taken down. All the brush was gone and a couple of us went over to buck, split, and load. The funny part is that they think we did them a huge favor by getting this wood out of their yard.View attachment 421433
You don't suck at scroungin' Ambull, you're just experiencing "on the job training" like we all went through. You get an A+ for effort. More than a lot of 20 year old's can say!!View attachment 421350
Ambull , the area I'm scrounging in has been cut over for commercial harvest more than once and a forest fire went through a section of it a while back so small wood mostly and no wood in some sections is what I have to work with .
I can tell you that it is easier to haul out a dozen 8' by 6" stems of wood to the road than it is a couple 8' by 24" logs by hand but I'll not say no to the bigger logs LOL
Get yourself a timberjack and only cut halfway through on the first cut. No more pinching if you are caregful.
Just have to look at a pice of wood and ask it, are you in tension or in compression? Then make a cut into the compression side first then cut on the tension side towards the compression side.
must be the NY cherry that does that. never had that problem with our PA cherry.H-Ranch, be very careful with Cherry in the fireplace. Cherry is a good burning, good smelling wood, but it likes to pop. Make sure the screen is up, or you will have trouble.
well yes it should have been milled.Indeed, great looking splits!
I am surprised the "shoulda milled it" crew hasn't been along to chastise him yet.
see above.I think you will be disappointed if you burn this in your (open) fireplace. Cherry snaps and pops like crazy. Some times I feel like I need a face shield when I burn a big load of it and then stir the coals. Those popers come out and bite ya!