It's a dying trade! Im the youngest cutter on the crew and Im 46. IMOP there are so many variables involved as far as experience level. A lot of professional cutters can only cut, or should I say. Have experience cutt'n only one or two species very well, or only on moderate terrain. Some have only cutting experience in second growth stands. Witch have far far less snags then an old growth forest. Just a few of many examples. I'm sure you get what I'm saying though. The best timber fallers I personally myself have ever seen or worked with. Were 60 years old 25 years ago and had 30+ years experience. They could cut any species on any ground. Were talking cutters who grew up in Old Growth camps who's Father's cut and came from the old school. My boss is 060 and he puts more timber on the ground than both the other cutter 48 and I 46. Not more than both of us combined of course. But his numbers are always higher than either of ours by several trees. He knows many many tricks of the trade!

Witch saves him time and energy. IMOP Thats what it takes to be a good cutter and for others to recognize you as a good cutter. But!!! Hear's the interesting thing. He leaves his falling axe in the pickup!!! Dosent use one, and dosent need one! Im not joking! Hes that good!

He says "Why thats just one more thing to pack around!"

Don't get me wrong. If he has to cut a fringe leaning hard over a steep draw, or something similar along those lines. Occasionally he will knock the rust off the Poll of his axe.
Cut safe, stay sharp, and be aware!