Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I think it is mostly invasive species we never used to have either. They grow like weeds and they are a pain in the neck. There seem to be a lot of "pockets" of infestation. Some trails on public land have become impassible due to them, especially when a vine infested tree falls across the path. Between the vines & the prickers, there are some sections of public land you want to hunt that you just can't get to. No power equipment allowed, and you would be there all week with hand tools. I've resorted to packing a folding hand saw and clippers in my hunting vest so I don't get trapped.
Speaking of vines that property I was on had a lot of wild grape vines. Last week I took a video of about a 3 inch one that was cut off in the winter. It was pouring out water like a drip or two a second and had a small area muddy and wet around it. First time I saw that.
Speaking of vines that property I was on had a lot of wild grape vines. Last week I took a video of about a 3 inch one that was cut off in the winter. It was pouring out water like a drip or two a second and had a small area muddy and wet around it. First time I saw that.
We have a lot of grape vines around here and when they are cut, especially in the spring, water pours out of them.
I did some easy scrounging today , backed up to the pile that my friend's son blocked up for me :)


What a great kid LOL
Got a fast load and went home .



After supper I moved some wood from the driveway to the back yard , found this chit under the wood .


I did some easy scrounging today , backed up to the pile that my friend's son blocked up for me :)


What a great kid LOL
Got a fast load and went home .



After supper I moved some wood from the driveway to the back yard , found this chit under the wood .



NO WAY!!!!! Canucks get all the cool stuff. Milk in a bag, codeine over the counter, Black crown in a can, plastic copenhagen cans......I tell ya.

Dan, seriously, you need to email that mini van manufacturer your hauling pictures. They need to hook you up somehow.

I can see it now.....

(Begin Don Lafontaine)

In a world.....Where you need the room to haul your child's hockey gear to the next game.....rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp (record needle scratching)...SCREW THAT NOISE SON!!!!!.......WE'RE HAULING WOOD!!!!!!!

(End Don LaFontaine)

(Fade with Dan rodeoing the UTE down a logging trail with half a spruce hanging out the back.. Airborne UTE optional)
Still scrounging, dribbles and drabs, a P/U load at a time.
Some birch and what maybe butternut or walnut that had a free wood sign on it.
Bucked it as it came off the tailgate and piled it as I needed the truck for some apple wood.
That was also free and even had help loading it.
I split the apple as it came off the tail gate and into my trailer to be stacked. What PIA to split.
Filled the trailer, the rest went onto the ground to be picked up and stacked later.
Gotta have an empty truck, you never know when the next load comes along
WX was great but did raise a sweat, had forgoten how quick you heat up at 75 degrees.
Take it easy old guy and drink lots of water, ain't no wood worth a heart atack/stroke.
My blood pressure is low, 121/61 but I am 80 1/2 years old so I still have tobe careful.
Guys at the saw shop are amazed I still I run a chainsaw at my age.
Sure do, from my baby 32cc Tanaka up to Big Joe Dolmar 7900 with the 32" bar if needed.
Big problem is the knees, elastic braces and my logger boots helps a lot.
Still have those pine logs across the road. Got half bucked and only four left. The bark is slipping so it's almost dry.
I like dry, no sense hauling all that water in the fresh wood.
Scroung on guys, winter is only six months away.
This week just gone is the first week that I'm done with a continuous burn but still fire up the furnace in the morning , might have been 45 yesterday , 75 today and 54 tomorrow with 30's at night , so fir , spruce and popple close by for that fast burn :)
I did start putting my scrounged wood away today , moved all the softwood from my driveway to the racks for the summer , a little over a cord so far for next fall , I'd have more but it went up in smoke LOL
Wudpirat , my wife's grandfather was still putting in his garden at 85 , I have a customer that still goes mackerel fishing , cleans and puts them in his smokehouse , bags and them does a loop to sell them (best I've ever had) , he's passed 90 and still going , his mother made it just passed 104 , my grandmother is 91 and still lives at home ....
I hate to tell you but you polly got another 20+ years to go so you'd better stock up , hate to see a fella get caught short on wood because he was lazy .
I scored a trailer load of free pallets and spent this afternoon lining them up in the "new" woodshed. I also got last years left over firewood stacked in there(~ a cord). Now I need to get serious about scrounging. I still have to get an additional two cord split and stacked so I can be ready for the winter. I have a small pile of rounds waiting to be split, and I have 4 small oak trees to drop on my place. There is still a TON of available wood on the ground from last years tornado, so I just need to focus and "Git Er Done!"

git er done.jpg
I scored a trailer load of free pallets and spent this afternoon lining them up in the "new" woodshed. I also got last years left over firewood stacked in there(~ a cord). Now I need to get serious about scrounging. I still have to get an additional two cord split and stacked so I can be ready for the winter. I have a small pile of rounds waiting to be split, and I have 4 small oak trees to drop on my place. There is still a TON of available wood on the ground from last years tornado, so I just need to focus and "Git Er Done!"

Yep, git er done! About the onliest silver lining to tornadoes, firewood all over.
87* here today, damn it's hot, had a fire just the other day. Spring is definitely in the air. Looks like I will get a good cherry crop in this year, been bad the last few. I counted 8 bumbles, 6 honey bees flying around in the flowers.


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