maybe so, but sounds like u r 11 days/nights ahead!Just spent eleven nights at our mountain place, and am 28 pages behind.

maybe so, but sounds like u r 11 days/nights ahead!Just spent eleven nights at our mountain place, and am 28 pages behind.
how did you make the mountain road? dozer?Some of you might remember this picture taken May 2nd, when I said I needed to make water tank access through here.
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I tried to get a shot from the same spot, but it’s hard when the landscape changes. It’s close anyway. The broken off tree in the top picture, we pulled out of the ground with the loader.
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You reminded me of this John West ad from 20 years ago, an all time classic!
i can sum up it all for you mg in a brief comment:Just spent eleven nights at our mountain place, and am 28 pages behind.
357 mag. all day over the 9 mm. 38 is a plinker . Only the .357 or 9 mm actually have any real stopping power . Now try that through door with either a Remington 41 mag. or Colt 44 mag handloads scary difference , even a 45 acp. would have twice the destructive force . 38 's & 9 mm are not amour piercing behemoths just bottom shelf intruder deterent rounds ! Have hand loaded all the basic handguns . I owned a 357 mag. Colt Python & a .41 mag. S&W frontier double action Revolver however my favorite was my .44 mag . Colt Desert Eagle for reaching out . Actually finished off most of my 2nd shot Moose with it . Prior to that had a Browning 1911 .45 acp. which was an excellent Black bear persuader !I think that would depend on where in the door you tried to go through, and what you encountered.
If you don't hit the reinforced parts you are OK, but I would not count on it working so well in every part of the door.
The 9 is only a little more power than a 38, and not near a 357 (they are all about 35 caliber - 9 is .355; 38 and 357 are .357!
Why do they call it a 38? To fool you!
hi chipper, did u see the wcc vid post over in.... _ _ _ ? guy on ladder, big trunk cut and i bet he cracked something bad in his back! ouch!!!Great article, very informative.
I'll save you guys the trouble, guy had a tree fall on him, then Ems had to get it off, and he's now being treated for back issues. the article if you can find it thru all the advertising and other articles popping up and playing on the site.
that and a few other things, too! watched Modern Marvels othe day: Military ****y Traps!But a 9mm will blow the lungs out of a man.
That 10mm in semi should be a beast.
What model did you go with.
i can sum up it all for you mg in a brief comment:
'be careful what u post and say!'![]()
caught up... for the moment!and dang! it is so believable, too! good one
one reason to keep up, or try to catch up at least... some really good posts bummer to miss! lol![]()
Ya or bk might " ignore " you!!! Loli can sum up it all for you mg in a brief comment:
'be careful what u post and say!'![]()
100 % brother ! Hard to believe ( actually not ) that any employer would try to shame a sick driver to come out and drive in the middle of the nite . Good on you Brett not only for your sake , but the other numerous souls out on the road . If your not totally alert , don't drive or operate dangerous equipment or undertake difficult & dangerous tasks period ! As for the increased % of occupational accidents occurring late in the shift or vehicular accidents happening close to home , it's a fact ! Your absolutely correct in not risking damage of personal injury do to fatigue , distraction or illness "including" self induced mental or physical impairment . Cudo's brother well said ...again !Not sure I shared it here, a good friend of mine who's a mechanic lost three fingers about two months ago. Lost his balance and started to fall backwards, reached up and grabbed what he could, which was the underside of a minivan, next thing he saw something fly through the air.
This happened at 4:30, it's not uncommon for an injury or an accident to happen later in one's shift. If you're not feeling it, probably should walk away and come back to it later; unfortunately I know how the real world works, we get pushed.
One time I had called in to work because my allergies were acting up real bad, they responded by saying we don't have anyone could you help us out. So I went in, around 3am, did my inspection and pulled out the front only to have the lead trailer disconnect from the tractor and rip the landing gear off.
Found out later that they had disconnected my trailers and serviced my truck, then reconnected it, but obviously the pin wasn't locked 100%.
Would I have noticed if I wasn't tired and not feeling well, I'll never know, but now I always say no, and I make it a safety issue (which it is) and say that I don't feel safe doing that.
Also even though I was "helping them out", they had no problem attempting to charge me for the damages a yr later. I said I have no problem paying my 27%(that's the percentage of the load I received), if I get the receipt so I can write it off on my taxes, which they had already done. I didn't pay a cent and it was wrong of them to even ask an employee to pay.
I've turned down many tree jobs because I didn't feel good about them, no shame in it if you're not there, there's plenty of danger in a typical tree let alone something sketchy that you know is above your pay grade. Many times it's just a matter of not having the right equipment or a helper, regardless, I just say no. Then there's the times I'm totally confident I can do the job, but I have no idea how I'm going to do it lol.
Be safe guys.
maybe so, but sounds like u r 11 days/nights ahead!
Some of Detroit's actually on the mend. I think it's a toss up between Benton Harbor and Flint for the armpit of the Mitten State!Kimber makes a great pistol.
I'd think just the glimmer of a stainless would make them run, might save a bit on ammo, at least that's what the guys probably tell their wives.
I think there's something political in this post, we better get that fox guy in here to check it all out.
As I've told you before, I know that big city well; and after driving it for yrs and hanging out there a lot with both friends and family, I'm glad I don't have any reason to go there anymore.
Funny thing, I'd avoid the first part of the 80/294 toll rd and drive right thru the heart of the worst part of Southern Chitcago, where all the shootings are. People asked if I was concerned about it, I said not really as it's all black on black crime. Besides I've ran in the worst areas all along the great lakes, east Chicago/ Hammond, Gary, Benton Harbor, Muskegon, Detroit, toledo, Cleveland, and that's just the ones around the Lakes.
Is that kimber gonna be a carry gun too.
Nebraska Game and Parks DENIED their existence for 40 years then they had to Kill one preying /stalking a school yard (I think Grand Island area) They gave a stupid statement that it was old and sick never touched the fact that they exist here. I have been within 30 ft of one under a Corn Crib I saw it skylined on a terrace and I tracked it through the snow and no I did not bend over to chance eye contact. It was a big black one. I saw my first big cat in 1973.
I think your Prez has solved the zero emissions puzzle!!!!!maybe that is what happened to this pump over in Mississippi? well, something did. a gennie wtf?
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how did you make the mountain road? dozer?
No. After Chipper told me what issues he had had, I checked, and I'm pretty sure the problems had nothing to do with this site, but that it was "cloud" issues.did you get any recent PM's from any Moderators?....![]()