Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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😲 360 weight and 460 power = MS400?!?! Thats Impressive!👍 Dose that mean 046 weight and 066 power = MS500? If so, I've gotta try a 500 ASAP!
You really can't fully appreciate one till its in your hands. Mine is stock save a bark box, which I'm very much considering taking off. (It ear shattering loud even with muffs/plug on) pulls a 20" with authority in hard wood. I got a 24" for it and I think it will be right at home. I do like the extra power from the bark box, but it's very loud even wearing muffs or ear plugs. I'm really on the fence about taking it back off and buying another muffler to mod.
About 5 years ago my wife's Pampa gave me a new in the box Winchester 70 sporter in 7mm mag. Said he won it at a gun raffle back in the 80's and never shot it. He never even mounted the scope rings that came with it. Said he wanted to see someone kill something with it before he died. That year I got the biggest buck I ever shot, and a coyote all within an hour of each other. He passed away about a month after that. Just can't bring myself to drag it through the woods and screw up the stock.

Idk if it true or not, but wouldnt suprise me honestly. In my senior year they started a "gay-straight alliance." It was pretty heavily protested, till one of the gay kids parents sued the school. The school lost its backbone after that. Lots of things changed the following years. I could write an essay about how much has changed, but needless to say it's not an atmosphere I want my kids going to school in. So when we were looking for houses we purposefully looked outside of that district.

One of my favorite saws is a 026, only beaten by a 346xp. These newer 50cc saws do have a bit more power imo. Not enough to make you want to get rid of the older saw, but enough that you'll notice rhe difference.
We home school here because of that reason. I'm not having someone with mental problems that is a pedophile that has some sick fantasy that they are now considering normal teaching my son. We get his curriculum through The Good and the Beautiful a Christian based studies.
Yes, I've been hunting with it for more than 40 years, and yes it needed to be set up for left hand use...

12 ga? What rifle cartridge?

I had a 12 gauge on top of 30-06. With a really cool gun but I never felt right shooting it as a young man because it was so expensive so I sold it when I have kids. Of course the prices now have gone insane.
We home school here because of that reason. I'm not having someone with mental problems that is a pedophile that has some sick fantasy that they are now considering normal teaching my son. We get his curriculum through The Good and the Beautiful a Christian based studies.
My wife and I talked about home schooling a lot. It basically came down to a few things for us not to home school. We moved out to a rural area (mainly since I was sick of being surrounded by nosy people) and the school here is pretty decent, we know a bunch of people that teach and work there, and we have friends with kids currently going there. It's pretty decent school.
The biggest thing is we both need to work. I'm not gonna say we couldn't swing it on one check, but there would be no margin for error and there would be no money to put into savings. Delt with that over covid working for the township. I don't work for the township anymore...
My wife didn't really want to put the work in as well. I can't fault her for that. It takes a lot to give a kid a good education at home and keep them from being socially awkward. I know people that were home schooled that moved out and were basically culture shocked. Thats a story for another time.
It's hard these days to make the right call for what we should and shouldn't be doing with our kids. I've fought with my daughters preschool teacher after Martin Luther King day. Sarah came home and told me were bad people because we're white, and we owned slaves... yeah, um. No, I think not. Next day I reamed that "teacher" out pretty good, as well as the preschool administrators. Any way, so yeah I know where your coming from. We live in crap times.
My wife and I talked about home schooling a lot. It basically came down to a few things for us not to home school. We moved out to a rural area (mainly since I was sick of being surrounded by nosy people) and the school here is pretty decent, we know a bunch of people that teach and work there, and we have friends with kids currently going there. It's pretty decent school.
The biggest thing is we both need to work. I'm not gonna say we couldn't swing it on one check, but there would be no margin for error and there would be no money to put into savings. Delt with that over covid working for the township. I don't work for the township anymore...
My wife didn't really want to put the work in as well. I can't fault her for that. It takes a lot to give a kid a good education at home and keep them from being socially awkward. I know people that were home schooled that moved out and were basically culture shocked. Thats a story for another time.
It's hard these days to make the right call for what we should and shouldn't be doing with our kids. I've fought with my daughters preschool teacher after Martin Luther King day. Sarah came home and told me were bad people because we're white, and we owned slaves... yeah, um. No, I think not. Next day I reamed that "teacher" out pretty good, as well as the preschool administrators. Any way, so yeah I know where your coming from. We live in crap times.
It is a far different country than when I went to school. We do what we have to do. Children learn much from their families. We need to try to be the best examples we can be.
We live in a rural area and my kids go to a small school with 30 to 45 kids per grade. Close to half of the teachers went to school in the district that rolled into this combined district several years back so I have no concerns about what is being taught. There have been problems with bullying and other rule breaking at the school and that is due to the superintendent who will not let the principal and dean of students crack the proverbial whip on the troublemakers. One kid was assaulted a couple of times last year and it happened to be one of the teachers children. I don’t know how they (his parents) didn’t freak out about that but there were two public parent meetings at a local church and people definitely let the school board and superintendent know that we will tolerate this anymore. They put in a new dean of students this year who I know will be a lot tougher. The kid who was responsible for the attacks was expelled for two years so he will probably not be back once his time is up.

I went to Catholic school through second grade and the new priest there has really done a great job growing the school. They are now offering up through eighth grade and are planning to run through 12th grade as the eighth grade class progresses. If I lived down there I definitely would send my kids to that school.
I don't want to say it will beat up on a 460, I haven't run one in a long time, but it does beat up on all the stock 044/440's that I've run. That being said, it doesn't quite have the resistance to stalling out the chain as say, a 461. That's ok, it's light enough to brush with and it still has enough power to easily run a 28" in stock form...mine now has enough power to run a 32", also has the HO oiler guts from a 461R, so it'll oil a 32" as well. With a good chain, it self feeds into the wood nicely.

I'd say the 500i is in a similar situation. If I can keep the chain speed up, it'll rip with a 36" in softwoods. That being said, the rev's do start to drop when you lean on it...but it's not to the point of easily stalling the chain out(my main gripe about most 70cc saws.) My ported 066, the revs don't really drop until you're at the point of wondering why you're pushing that hard on the saw. I honestly don't have much run time on my 500i yet...outside of my actual job, most of my recent cutting has been with the 400 or climbing saws.

The one caveat to the 500i, is it sounds like some had some variances in piston height, or at least that's what I've heard. Enough height to change the port timing and possibly why some people think they rip and others think they don't. Mine's a good runner, but I'm stihl curious about digging in and seeing what makes it tick...and if I can improve it.

Speaking of 500i content, tonight I was working on an upgrade for the crappy stock 462/500 clutch cover. I'm using a cheap aftermarket "west-coast style" cover(044-066). A little trimming and grinding, it fits:
😍 Thats a sick looking lovely lady of a saw!👍 How do ya like the three points? I've been wanting to try out a pair myself!
My wife and I talked about home schooling a lot. It basically came down to a few things for us not to home school. We moved out to a rural area (mainly since I was sick of being surrounded by nosy people) and the school here is pretty decent, we know a bunch of people that teach and work there, and we have friends with kids currently going there. It's pretty decent school.
The biggest thing is we both need to work. I'm not gonna say we couldn't swing it on one check, but there would be no margin for error and there would be no money to put into savings. Delt with that over covid working for the township. I don't work for the township anymore...
My wife didn't really want to put the work in as well. I can't fault her for that. It takes a lot to give a kid a good education at home and keep them from being socially awkward. I know people that were home schooled that moved out and were basically culture shocked. Thats a story for another time.
It's hard these days to make the right call for what we should and shouldn't be doing with our kids. I've fought with my daughters preschool teacher after Martin Luther King day. Sarah came home and told me were bad people because we're white, and we owned slaves... yeah, um. No, I think not. Next day I reamed that "teacher" out pretty good, as well as the preschool administrators. Any way, so yeah I know where your coming from. We live in crap times.
I can understand that. My Wife is a stay at home mom she has health troubles, so I made her give up working quite a few years back. He is good and does what he's told, and does his study's. There is also video instruction that comes with the curriculum that he is able to watch and do. He also helps her with the things she cannot do at home without someone with more strength. He also goes and sees a couple of other families that also home school that we know. He gets interaction through other families that share the values of ours. I'm not to worried about him being awkward when boys think they are girls now and girls think they are boys and the race baiting that goes on in schools and early sexual instruction. when he gets older I doubt he would find conversation or pick a partner that had anything to do with those clichés. He is a hard worker knows how to use his hands and I think he will want to find a wife that is the same.
😍 Thats a sick looking lovely lady of a saw!👍 How do ya like the three points? I've been wanting to try out a pair myself!
Thanks, I finally got a max-flow for it's just sitting on the bench. I like the 3 points a lot, I guess the selling point is the middle dog lines up with the kerf of the chain. I like them mostly for how well they stick into the bark...although the big stock Stihl dogs work alright too. The other reason I like them, is they just look mean lol. I've got a set of the 4-point Pro-safeties on my 400, and while they work pretty well, they just don't look as cool. :laugh:
Some scrounging pics from yesterday. Dropped the broken snag the big tree snapped in half on it's way to the ground. Filled one trailer with Poplar, Cherry, and Oak. made a hole to get the splitter in. Second trailer all Oak. Disappointed, the tree is over 36" and I wanted to mill some slabs. After I got the first big lead bucked up, I stood in the "Y" and the tree was split from the Y almost to the ground. No slabs, just firewood.







Say guys! Can we not quite talk so much politics, religion, and social issues?
Moderation is getting complaints, and I don't really want to mess with your content and go on a deletion spree. By now, y'all ought to know how that turns out.

Please keep in mind that we have other forums for such topics. This is the "scrounging firewood" thread.
Alright well at any rate did some chimney cleaning over the weekend to get ready for this season. I normally sweep it about once a month during the burning season also if the snow on the roof allows. I'm probably a little bit more picky than most but I wouldn't want an issue.20220911_113916.jpg20220911_114048.jpg20220911_114053.jpg
Say guys! Can we not quite talk so much politics, religion, and social issues?
Moderation is getting complaints, and I don't really want to mess with your content and go on a deletion spree. By now, y'all ought to know how that turns out.

Please keep in mind that we have other forums for such topics. This is the "scrounging firewood" thread.
If I can ask.....Complaints from multiple people? Or complaints from the same one or two people who are always complaining the minute someone says something they don't agree with? (We know they exist)
So anyway one of my friends asked me how to clean burnt maple syrup off the bottom of a scrounged pot. I told him to try a brillo style scrubber and if that didn't work to use one of those things that goes on a drill.

BTW did you know that a dash of maple syrup in a shot of bourbon really smooths it out?

There, we are back on topic now ;)
If I can ask.....Complaints from multiple people? Or complaints from the same one or two people who are always complaining the minute someone says something they don't agree with? (We know they exist)

I don't generally discuss "reports". The complaints, however, are legitimate concerns about politics having been introduced to a scrounging firewood thread.

Now I know you guys use this thread as your common forum for discussing everything with your peers, but rules are rules. Lose the political commentary, please.
I don't generally discuss "reports". The complaints, however, are legitimate concerns about politics having been introduced to a scrounging firewood thread.

Now I know you guys use this thread as your common forum for discussing everything with your peers, but rules are rules. Lose the political commentary, please.

^He‘s being nice, I’m on another forum that would have deleted the thread by now. And no, I wasn’t the complainer. Just making an observation. I‘d hate to see this content go “poof”.
^He‘s being nice, I’m on another forum that would have deleted the thread by now. And no, I wasn’t the complainer. Just making an observation. I‘d hate to see this content go “poof”.
It's all good. Mr P is a good guy so I knew he would be ok answering. If this were back in the days when gofakeit was the mod we'd all be banned by now lol. BTW not sure if you remember but I was a mod for a time as well....still waiting for my linkbucks kickbacks and AS stock options to mature LOL

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