Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I have always been intrigued by Weatherby anything as that is what my dad shot most of his big game with (7mm). I have his Mark V plus a newer one in 270WM. LOVE the old weatherby ammo boxes with the tiger on the side of the box.

I'm a bit of a cartridge nut, I own many editions of "Cartridges of the World" and read a couple editions cover to cover. I remember first reading about the 30-378 way back when and thinking if I ever needed a big time rifle (beyond what I already own), that is what I would get.
That may be my favorite.

Bad Santa?
It's an installment in the *******'s chock full of juvenile humor, which is my specialty. The best part, is it's shot with hidden cameras and nobody aside from actors knows they're in a movie. If y'all are bored, search "bad grandpa moby dick" on youtube. Be forewarned, it's a fake fish with a large "appendage."

EDIT: I just noticed that my recommended search apparently contains a bad word lol. It's Moby ****, as in the novel by Herman Mellville.
That may be my favorite.

It's an installment in the *******'s chock full of juvenile humor, which is my specialty. The best part, is it's shot with hidden cameras and nobody aside from actors knows they're in a movie. If y'all are bored, search "bad grandpa moby ****" on youtube. Be forewarned, it's a fake fish with a large "appendage."

EDIT: I just noticed that my recommended search apparently contains a bad word lol. It's Moby ****, as in the novel by Herman Mellville.
I was thinking of G'pa struggling with the vending machine.. Corn Dog humor to say the least.
I was thinking of G'pa struggling with the vending machine.. Corn Dog humor to say the least.
I LOL every time I see that scene...same thing with the diner scene as well as when his grandson enters the beauty pageant. I think beauty pageants for kids are weird AF, so I was dying at all the parents reactions in that scene. The strip club scene was pretty good when he was dancing around.
Care to offer any details?
Like this. an easy way to make something similar it to tap the factory mag release M4. Then cut off a short length of 1/4" od aluminium tube to the length you would like (say 3/8"-1/2") then bolt it on with a m4 stainless capscrew (the head outside diameter matches the tube quite well) of appropiate length. Knock the extension forward with your little finger and the mag fall straight into your hand.
I LOL every time I see that scene...same thing with the diner scene as well as when his grandson enters the beauty pageant. I think beauty pageants for kids are weird AF, so I was dying at all the parents reactions in that scene. The strip club scene was pretty good when he was dancing around.
I couldn't stop laughing the first time I saw that movie! 🤣 Funny funny funny!!!👍
My M-77 in 300 Win Mag shoots well, but if I have to carry something through the woods, the Ruger American Rifle in 30-06 is a lot lighter, shoots well, and with hot handloads it does just fine. If fact, I'm not even sure I will like my new "project" gun as much!
Tough to beat an ‘06. With loads from 125 to 220 grain, it’s good from mice to moose! Hot hand loads approach 3000 FPE which is certainly sufficient for anything on this continent.

Magnums certainly have their place but there’s a lot of guys running through the deer woods with guns that they can’t shoot well because they felt they needed something bigger.
I have always been intrigued by Weatherby anything as that is what my dad shot most of his big game with (7mm). I have his Mark V plus a newer one in 270WM. LOVE the old weatherby ammo boxes with the tiger on the side of the box.

I'm a bit of a cartridge nut, I own many editions of "Cartridges of the World" and read a couple editions cover to cover. I remember first reading about the 30-378 way back when and thinking if I ever needed a big time rifle (beyond what I already own), that is what I would get.
Thinking a .338-378 may in my future , may do a project , rework of my current chassis . My current Weatherby is only 2 yrs old , once I have it fine tuned with the new ammunition I will make a decision .
Thinking a .338-378 may in my future , may do a project , rework of my current chassis . My current Weatherby is only 2 yrs old , once I have it fine tuned with the new ammunition I will make a decision .
Buy another one ;) I would personally feel bad deconstructing a good shooting rifle.
Tough to beat an ‘06. With loads from 125 to 220 grain, it’s good from mice to moose! Hot hand loads approach 3000 FPE which is certainly sufficient for anything on this continent.

Magnums certainly have their place but there’s a lot of guys running through the deer woods with guns that they can’t shoot well because they felt they needed something bigger.
Heck, there isn't an animal in North or South America that certain 06 factory loads can't easily handle fir that matter! 😉 Thats just one of the many beauty's of the epic cartridge! 👍
Thinking a .338-378 may in my future , may do a project , rework of my current chassis . My current Weatherby is only 2 yrs old , once I have it fine tuned with the new ammunition I will make a decision .
Your shoulder is going to be worn out from that .378 recoil before you even get a chance at firing the .338-.378!!! 🤣😂😉
Buy another one ;) I would personally feel bad deconstructing a good shooting rifle.
Yeah , I will weigh the pro's & con's after the season . There is a Vanguard model available in .338 at a economy price point over the Mark V that I current have .
Speaking of hunting (and scrounging)… I just heard that the last chunk of public land behind my cabin is going to be logged next summer. We knew it was going to be logged soon but we were expecting it to be done this year. After this all of the public land within about 2 miles of my cabin will now have been logged during my hunting career. I personally like hunting deep woods so it’s been a transitional period for the last 30 or so years with a mixture of open areas, old timber, and new timber. So in about five more years I can go back to lever actions and carbines.

The oldest cuts were from 1991 so they still have a few years to go before the cycle restarts.

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