Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I got one load of trees down, cut up and hauled home and decided I might as well do another. Gremlins decided that wasn't going to happen. Not sure how but a branch got way up inside and pinched a hydraulic line which cracked it which made me leave my baby in the bush overnight. I took it apart by flashlight so I could see how bad it was. This morning I decided I had little to lose so I welded it up. Weld worked good enough that it was just weeping out so I was able to drive home. Parts for this tractor sometimes take awhile to get here so better to have it at home. Also bent the crap out of my cab lights and hood. Good thing I built it bully strong when I did it. This section is mostly cedar with ash and it very thick so lots of damage going on. I should have went in there and spent a day or 2 with a pole saw and trim up the cedars. Some are 16" and lots are falling every which way. Had to walk home 1/3 mile to get 4 wheeler and tools. Last picture is where I drag the logs to load them, thick bush is behind it, and a huge water hole which is another story for another day.
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And because I had no good reason to go to the bush today I had to help my wife do some cleanup around the shop. She found a case of spray paint that I had bought several years ago and lost in my stash spots. I assured her I had bought it with good intentions, I was going to use it to mark firewood. So then she says "let's see". So of course I was stuck at that point and had to show her. Turns out it's paint to mark livestock for breeding or shipping purposes. Bright purple and it's biodegradble in a few days. So I showed her, told her it will stop people from taking my firewood. and that is how I winded up with this mess. At least it washed off with hand cleaner and lots of scrubbing, I got it all over me.
PS< she didn't believe me about the paint for a minute. And I have 11 more cans, damn stuff sprays out and makes a mess quick, can't even use it to mark logs for length.
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Well i had the day to myself but the parents left me a pretty good to do list round the house. I put it off for a while but thought if i get all that crap out the way ill have time to play with my 064! Ive only used it milling for the most part so ive been dying to give it some bucking action. Lets just say i think i was smiling while cutting. 8pin and semi skip chisel 32" buried in red oak! It was a blast.....but then i had to roll the rounds 40' to the road :(

I was gonna say, That Be Me!!!

Scott, welcome aboard, good scrounge, looks like you got a little Cherry in there too.
Thanks, yeah there are a few cherry trees in the bunch. It's mostly locust though, also a few maples and one lone white oak. I pulled 7 more loads out today most of which I cut to length prior to hauling. After this weekend I'm done for a while (atleast that's what I told my wife) I do have to get caught up on splitting though.


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Took the wife & dogs on a hike in CT that we had not previously done. Located the ruins of this old stone house next to a lake.

We have to go back sometime, likely with the Mtn bikes as we never did cover all the trails. The property has 3 lakes, and we only made it to two of them.


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Nice haul Scott, don't forget to get it manufactured into firewood before the snow. Or you'll be in the same pickle I was in last winter. Lots wood but burried under four feet of snow and unuseable 'til spring.
Thankfully, Good buddy Billy the logger helped out with three cord at a very good price, just back up to the prossessor and load up, cash only please.
Thanks wudpirat! I do plan on getting it all split within the next few weeks. I'm not in a huge hurry, These piles will be for 16'-17' burning season.
Just cut up a dogwood for a girl I've been seeing. Never burned it before but it's going on the pile. In the middle of cutting up 3 beech and a sugar maple at my sportsmans club. Haven't brought any home yet. I'll post pics when I do.

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Cut a little blowdown maple this morning. Found a dead red oak that had blown over into a bunch of balsam right next to the road. Took a few rounds out of one fork...yep still solid. Covered up the cuts with balsam boughs so it stays there until I return ;)

Now that is some scrounging right there! :chainsaw:
I got to work a bit on my wood pile this weekend. I got a bunch of the small stuff cut to length and stacked. I now have a nice little pile to split, and I am going to start busting it up today after work. I am still working on that MS361, and it is proving to be challenging. It looks like I am going to set it aside till I can save up for an OEM coil.


The last load today and then the three loads I got today for my dad. Just about all beech.

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Thanks MM for the encouragement. . I am no pro mechanic, but I have turned a few wrenches in my life (on all kinds of motors). This 361 is just giving me fits. Sometimes I need to just put things in the corner for a couple of days. When I come back to them, I have fresh eyes and find myself thinking, "You knuckle - head! Why didn't you see that the other day...
You can likely get a coil & carb (sometimes as a package deal) less on the AM than either one OEM. (check ebay) That way, you have both bases covered instead of trying to guess (play Russian Roulette) as to which one it is!

My 044 #2 gave me fits trying to figure out why it would not run (was the coil). I changed the plug, fuel filter, fuel line, fuel vent, impulse hose, rebuilt the carb, replaced the carb, then finally replaced the coil, and Waallllaaaa!!!! It was doing just what you are saying, would pop, but would not run. That said, your problem may be different!

When I noticed the plug was always wet, in convinced me to try the coil.

Sometimes it just takes a while.
And because I had no good reason to go to the bush today I had to help my wife do some cleanup around the shop. She found a case of spray paint that I had bought several years ago and lost in my stash spots. I assured her I had bought it with good intentions, I was going to use it to mark firewood. So then she says "let's see". So of course I was stuck at that point and had to show her. Turns out it's paint to mark livestock for breeding or shipping purposes. Bright purple and it's biodegradble in a few days. So I showed her, told her it will stop people from taking my firewood. and that is how I winded up with this mess. At least it washed off with hand cleaner and lots of scrubbing, I got it all over me.
PS< she didn't believe me about the paint for a minute. And I have 11 more cans, damn stuff sprays out and makes a mess quick, can't even use it to mark logs for length.

Gotta watch that BlueKote (if that's what you had). I had a few chickens that got pecked, and used that to cover the wounds. I forgot to put gloves on when I sprayed the birds, and had blue hands for 2 days. The chickens below with blue on them were sprayed about 2 weeks ago, and still have blue on them:2015-05-20 14.35.59.jpg

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