How is that 361 running???
How is that 361 running???
This is one of the things I find most interesting about AS is being able to see how things are done in different parts of the world.
That pile of split Red Gum looks almost like blocks. Are you burning it in a fireplace or woodstove?
This is one of the things I find most interesting about AS is being able to see how things are done in different parts of the world.
That pile of split Red Gum looks almost like blocks. Are you burning it in a fireplace or woodstove?
Cool!I wish I took pictures of the work I did today but I didn't unfortunately. I went and cut trees for a coworker today. This was the first time in probably 10 years that I've ran a saw for money. I cut down 10 beech nut trees that ranged from 30-36". It's been a long time since I've cut trees that large and it was a lot of fun. It was cool and had on/off light rain so I left the camera phone in the car. The largest tree I cut was about 17-18" from the center out to the edge and had 10 growth rings per inch. Yep, it was at least 170 years old!
@MustangMike Hey sir, whats your nephew been up to lately? I haven't seen him post in a while.
Permethrin spray for your clothing. Also make it difficult for them to get under your clothing ie tuck pants into your boots or rubber band them.
I rarely have a tick make it past my knees when crawling up me. Once I feel something messing with my leg hair I know that I've got a tick and pluck it off.
I have never had a tic problem honsetly. They might be getting on my cloths but I have never found them on my skin and I do not tuck my pant legs into my boots, only my shirt and I never wear shorts unless Im in my lawn. I have permethrin but have not used it (yet) on my work cloths. I think you will discover the direction on your permethrin will tell you that it will still be effective after a few washings. Since you bought some I would hold off on sending your cloths away for treatment.