Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Don't use the Fiskars to drive wedges, it will void the warranty.

Other than that, you will be happy with it. May not need the wedges much any more.

I am a little confused. I could see smacking a metal splitting wedge voiding the warranty but I absolutely hate the sledge and a wedge method of splitting wood. I plan on using the x15 to drive plastic felling wedges. I hope that wont void the warranty.
I hope that over 3/4 of AS isnt making it up on how good these tools are. . . . Using a hatchet to drive wedges leaves something to be desired when you need a little extra oomph to drive the wedge in.

Post your comments (+ or -) in one of the many Fiskars threads. If you don't like them, you can post them on Craig's List and sell them.

I use my Fiskars axe to drive plastic bucking wedges. I use a sledge hammer (softer metal) to drive metal splitting wedges.

I agree, and sometimes I still use some wedges and a 16 lb sledge, but that will tire you fast.

Well, I don't see me swinging a sledge that heavy, but I wish they had another 16.... 16 inch long wedges! I hates it when you got one hammered flat into the round and it ain't even thinking about splitting yet. I want one or two that could be pounded right down the whole dang way in my 16 inch long rounds.
I am a little confused. I could see smacking a metal splitting wedge voiding the warranty but I absolutely hate the sledge and a wedge method of splitting wood. I plan on using the x15 to drive plastic felling wedges. I hope that wont void the warranty.

Technically it proly would void the warranty if ya broke it, but I wouldn't sweat hitting plastic wedges with it.
looks like i've got the pot stirred up now! I brok
Most of us are not living out in the bush nor choosing tools to take with us into the bush. You're struggling to disparage a tool by citing a scenario far removed from most people. Especially in a thread about folks using their trucks to scrounge wood they find off their property.

Most of us don't own a crosscut saw or know how to set the teeth on one. If a Fiskars is sissy, can't even imagine what your opinion of chainsaws is.

No problem with traditional tools or those who know how to use them and maintain them. But that's not a reason to criticize a Fiskars axe.

Welp, my opinion of powersaws, is that they are the best thing since pickled eggs...with alot of this tennis shoe logging going on, most of these type loggers dont even touch a chainsaw nomore, they sit in a climate controlled mochine out of the weather with radio and talk on cell phones with headsets on and drop trees by twiddling joysticks...but it's all about productivity, and the tennis shoe logging sure seems productive. Seems like its here to stay too.

Anyways, I look at things for worst case scenario type deals...and like Zogger said, I like to have what I need for a shtf situation. Stuff like muzzleloaders, cap and ball revolvers, wood handled tools, all stuff you can fix in a society collapse situaiton. The only fiskars I've used was an X27. we kept it on the skidder at work and the bit was all boogered up and didnt seem to be very high quality steel. Mainly was used for wedge driving, and we split firewood with it and the end of the day. I wasn't super impressed with it like I thought I would be from all the praise it got. Anyways, it disappeared and never got replaced. Oh well...if given the chance to run one again I will try to be more open minded going into it
I've never tried a Fiskers but I've used the Zogger 1000 and it's the tool to beat. I swat and 4 splits. Not sure how good the warranty is though.

Now that is a grown-up maul! I am going to have to make one of those! Can you tell me the significance of the Zogger name so I can give credit where it is due?
I've never tried a Fiskers but I've used the Zogger 1000 and it's the tool to beat. I swat and 4 splits. Not sure how good the warranty is though.
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I ain't got the arms to swing that thing :(
I will buy a beer for the fella that can swing that thing all day :)

For the wood that I've been scrounging the X25 split 70% of what I burnt this year , 10% with the heavier mauls and wedges with the last 20% split with my SS
Is the Fiskars a magical tool , no , but I've split a fair amount of wood with it and for me it's a fast and comfortable tool use , I don't know if the steel is soft but the edge looks just like my maul does after being driven into the rocks numerous times and still splits wood .



Scrounge on gentleman .
Here's a few more from the onset of snow this winter , although I have cut , chipped , dropped a lot of trees over the years , this is the first winter that I burnt wood for a main source of heat and while I'm trying to recover from this .


This is after some hardware removal last september .


On one of my scrounging trips I found a pine blowdown .


I blocked it up , not thinking much about stuff and I hadn't discovered the RonCo hood hauler yet I figured I'd haul it up in a plastic fish box .


It wasn't starting good right off the get go since it wouldn't slide well to the woodpile .
I ended up joining my ropes together and using the UTV to haul up .


First go didn't work so well .


But little by little I got it done .



I can tell you guys that those were long and trying days when the mind knows what/how you want to do something but the body and life work against you .


I was warm all winter and now have a lot more mobility than when the winter started because of this :)
I wouldn't trade what I've gone through in the last 2 years for nuthing and have no regrets , even with the few real dark days that I've had included so get out there and enjoy , it's not a chore , soak some of it in while you're there .




Scrounge on gentleman .

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