Sometimes on chains like that I'll just grab a larger file to remove a little bit of the hook. In frozen wood a bit less hook will hold up much better too.
What mods did you do to the 460.
A friend gave me a few square chains after he ran them until they were dull, since he has no grinder or files. This was one of the 84dl chains I ground.
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It did a nice job on the ported 365.
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Here's a 150lb round for you. Cherry I cut last summer, the log was sitting on my black locust pile just waiting to be cut this yr.
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The splitter isn't working that great, it's one I bought last month. The engine runs well, but the governor doesn't kick the rpms up, and changing the rpm via the control it goes from very low to more like a proper idle when in the high position. It also wasn't to stall the engine if you just keep running it into a tougher piece. I adjusted the pressure a little at the valve, and removed the engine cover to see what was happening with the governor because it was stiff and not moving easily. There's an automatic high idle control that works off heat from the engine, it was all jammed up under the cover, I'm not sure how it's supposed to be hooked onto the arm for the governor. I'll probably pull it back apart and see if I can't get it to idle/run at a bit higher rpm, I have some larger oak rounds it surely won't split as it is.
Always make sure to put the dipstick back in before a quick test run

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