Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Chainsaws have rarely needed carb work. Brush saw has rarely needed carb work...but the darn weed wackers need something every year!!!
stop letting them sit so long, daily weed trimming is recommended, or try to find other uses for it... perhaps get the wife to hold the trigger while you use it to shave??? ohh wait never mind... I heard you have the facial hair of a 14 yr. old ... but I'm sure you could find other uses, like keeping the snow piles nice and neat in the winter maybe??
or you could just by a S***L:happy:
That 1710 is a Shibaru tractor rebaged to a Ford , good machine but some stuff is hard to get up here .
Don't let that scare you off because the guys that are dealing in grey market tractors may be helpfull .
I'd sooner roll 8k into a newer machine if I could get a loan for the balance of the unit , I've seen 30 hp Kubota tractors
with 1500 hrs 4x4 with a loader go for 15k to 17k up here .
Here's a 1720
If you look and wait the deals do pop up , I have a Yanmar YM336d , hours unknown , was parked by a garage that burnt , bought it for parts , fixed the wiring , made a fuel tank and dash , threw a steering wheel , seat and free tires on it so I could move it around , 1200$
My beat up Kubota B8200 , hours unknown , loader , beat off backhoe , new back tires , 1000$
My Kubota L285 came with chains , 5' aerator , new 48" snow blower , beater woods trailer , a loader bucket ? 2500$
My MF 1020 4x4 , loader , brand new back tires and rims , 15oo$ , it had a broken front hub so I'm into it for another 15oo$ in repairing it .
Deals are out there .
It is easy to store a chainsaw over the winter, just put in that pre mix stuff, it is good for years! (Too expensive to run all the time).

Looks like I will be cutting again on Fri. Two tall Oak leaners, and a small but tall dead Ash. Plus, all kinds of misc firewood already down in the strip of woods. I've located hard Maple, Oak & Ash in the woods. Some of it just fell, and some was pre cut about 4 lengths long.

After that, I will have to schedule a visit with Mr. Splitter!
stop letting them sit so long, daily weed trimming is recommended, or try to find other uses for it... perhaps get the wife to hold the trigger while you use it to shave??? ohh wait never mind... I heard you have the facial hair of a 14 yr. old ... but I'm sure you could find other uses, like keeping the snow piles nice and neat in the winter maybe??
or you could just by a S***L:happy:
Welcome back N918.

I did secure my FIL's Stihl trimmer. Looks like I won't need to scythe after all lol.
I bought a new stihl trimmer last year. 3rd pull after sitting all winter in my basement and it fired right up.

Trimmers are one item I believe you shouldn't go cheap on. The box store brands just do not last.
I pretty much suck with all 2 strokes. My trimmer, all my saws, and my sons dirt bike all seem to need something every time I go to use one. Fix one thing, then something else goes wrong. Ive got a dozen saws, different manufacturers, only the pos Poulan starts regularly. Ive already switched to an electric chainsaw, and a string trimmer is next.
I hate my string trimmer. I bought one of those craftsman garbage ones last year on sale and wish I would have ponied up the other $100 and some change for the stihl. Stupid craftsman leaks fuel if it sits too uprite. So standing it up beyond a 45 degree angle with a full take of fuel means it will leak fuel everywhere. The first 6 or 7 times I used it this year it needed a shot of ether to get going. The throttle sticks occasionally. Yea I hate the stupid thing. Maybe I should straight gas it so I can put it and myself out of my misery. My saw on the other hand I run it dry for the winter but even when it sits for a few months with fuel in the tank it starts just fine.
Ether and 2 stroke are not a good combination , it makes for a dry start .
I did scavenge some pallets today to stack scavenged wood on :)
I know the ether is not the best but sometimes it's the only way to get the thing to start. Hopefully it will quit starting sooner than later so I can get a better one.
Agree. Debris in gas that somehow slipped past the filter or letting it sit too long are the only carb issues I've ever had.
Must be doing something wrong. My saws have been very reliable, except on a very few occasions.
Not always carb issues. Usually, but not always. Ive replaced the coils on both of my huskys in the past year. My stihls need their carbs inspected almost every time I use them. I'll take the carbs apart, theyre spotless, I reassemble, and the saw works for a few hours. Both my 026 and my 036 do that pretty consistently. I chalk it up to me not really knowing how to tune carbs correctly.
I know the ether is not the best but sometimes it's the only way to get the thing to start. Hopefully it will quit starting sooner than later so I can get a better one.
I use a plastic spray bottle full of premixed gasoline. Works great for stuff with bad fuel lines and the gasoline hasnt dissolved the plastic at all.

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