Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I'm running 404 on my asian 880 with either 41 or 50" bars. Of course, I hopped it up a bit, so milling with 404 is no issue for it. The downside is that it has a lot of compression, drop starting with the bar over the log is the only way to go. The plus side is, nobody wants to borrow it to mill with. For ***** and giggles, I took it to work one day...bad idea, one of my coworkers almost dislocated his shoulder, trying the "OSHA approved" ground start, when it halfway fired and then recoiled back. :laugh:

I've done a bit of falling with it, but those were big hardwoods. Even on the big trees, my hopped up 066 or " 566i" are just the easier saws to run.
Dang all got me nervous and I had to go into the shop and do a comp test on the 880...
I had no problems starting it, none. So, with what was said I was expecting low comp and a need for new rings.
I think 180 is ok, right? 🤣
12 year old saw, beat to death at a wood yard...
Yeah, I don't even run the 066 that much anymore. After dialing in the "566i," it kinda makes 90cc saws irrelevant for most circumstances IMO. As much as I like running the 566i, my "go-to" saw is the 400. It's just such an easy little saw to run and even out cuts previous generations of 70cc saws. It's not far off of the 462R I run at work.
Both my 066 and ported 661 will blow this 880 away with either a 36 or 42" bar/chain.
The 661 has more torque, however but that's what Brad built it for. The 066 is faster with a 24" contest. Put a 42 on them and the 661 wins.
I think there's a time you just gotta say no, I'm proud that I've been saying no to real heavy saws for a while now. While there are times I could use a 90+cc saw, since I'm not milling, I get by just fine with the modded 70s and the ported 7900.
I'd still like to try the 592, haven't ran one yet.
I keep telling myself to sell the 394xp, but it's still here. The 390xp is just so much better for felling, I reach for that most often when I need a "big" saw. Well the 400 is most often, but you know what I mean. I'd love to run a 592, but have no use for one.
The big 120cc+ saws really only have an advantage when you're running lonnggg bars on them. I'm just speculating, but I bet my 066 would be about even with the 880 if both were running 36" bars in softwood. I might give the 880 a slight edge if it was hardwood. Also, the torque of the 880 would probably take over running a 42", although I've occasionally run a 42" Oregon on my 066 without too much trouble. Step down to a 32" and I'd put money on the 066 being faster.

The big saws used to get used a lot around here back in the olden days when they were still logging old growth. Pretty cool to look at the old timers running 6-7' bars on Mac 125s and Stihl 090s. Some of the 2nd growth redwoods are approaching the same diameter as the old growth, but my timber faller friends don't even use the big saws that much on them either. I know one of them will typically face the tree up with his 500i with a 36" and then switch over to his new 881 with a 72" for the back cut.
I have pics of the tree somewhere on one of my old phones. White oak, all of 5 feet at the base. Both saws with 36" bars making passes from both sides to get through. Would have gotten a bigger bar for the 084, but (at the time) the 36" was the biggest bar I could find locally, and I still had to mill the bar slott out because the stupid stihl dealer ordered the wrong mount for it.(also wouldn't return it because he claimed it was special order)
Yeah, I don't even run the 066 that much anymore. After dialing in the "566i," it kinda makes 90cc saws irrelevant for most circumstances IMO. As much as I like running the 566i, my "go-to" saw is the 400. It's just such an easy little saw to run and even out cuts previous generations of 70cc saws. It's not far off of the 462R I run at work.
Now just if you could convince the Echo fan boys that.....😉
And here’s today. This week I began splitting my annual scrounge for next season’s heat. Mostly ash, lots of honey locust, some elm, and enough pine so that anytime we start a cold stove there’s a chunk or two of pine to get the fire hot. Also, last summer I got a stash of oak, ......

The splitter and I begin at one end and move to the other, converting big rounds into stove-wood. I pile loosely to let sun and wind do the main drying. Then I aim to have all stacked inside the woodshed by early June. We’re still burning, and will be till late May, so I don’t want to bury the last layer inside the shed.
Maybe I misunderstood. The hardwood you're cutting now will be burned this Winter? Or is the shed you'll be stacking in for 2024?

The reason I ask, is I've cut some oak at the lastest early March 2023. I was wondering if it will be ready to burn this Winter (2023). Mind you StL Summers heat.


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Yeah, I don't even run the 066 that much anymore. After dialing in the "566i," it kinda makes 90cc saws irrelevant for most circumstances IMO. As much as I like running the 566i, my "go-to" saw is the 400. It's just such an easy little saw to run and even out cuts previous generations of 70cc saws. It's not far off of the 462R I run at work.
To me that's one of the benefits of running the newer saws and having them modded, they are efficient, and way lighter than the big boys.
I was looking at a 500i this morning, looked new and for a fairly good price (although I haven't priced them new so I'm not sure how good of a deal it is), it came with a 20" stihl lightweight bar(that would go right on another saw), and a case. But I don't really need another, haven't even messed with the one I have lol.
Maybe I misunderstood. The hardwood you're cutting now will be burned this Winter? Or is the shed you'll be stacking in for 2024?

The reason I ask, is I've cut some oak at the lastest early March 2023. I was wondering if it will be ready to burn this Winter (2023). Mind you StL Summers heat.
Yours probably won't be ready this fall, but if it was all laid out and in the sun/wind and then covered when it rained, you may be able to use it if it's already split up.
Notice in his post he said the oak was from last summer, that's a lot more time to season, in a lot dryer climate. That's one thing I don't like about oak, it takes so long to season, which means I have to keep it around here forever. Then it's so heavy when green. I'm so grateful I have a good supply of black locust here. I'm getting a pretty big pile out back of cherry, red oak, maple, and some black locust, I hope to get that all split and ready to sell by 24/25, but if people have to have it and I sell out of seasoned wood I'll sell it to them, but I'll let them know beforehand it's not ready(particularly the red oak, which I may separate). Some of the people I've sold to would probably buy it this fall for 24/25 if I have it all ready.
Both my 066 and ported 661 will blow this 880 away with either a 36 or 42" bar/chain.
The 661 has more torque, however but that's what Brad built it for. The 066 is faster with a 24" contest. Put a 42 on them and the 661 wins.
You need to get some 12 pins and take the rakers down a little :chainsaw: :lol:.
To me that's one of the benefits of running the newer saws and having them modded, they are efficient, and way lighter than the big boys.
I was looking at a 500i this morning, looked new and for a fairly good price (although I haven't priced them new so I'm not sure how good of a deal it is), it came with a 20" stihl lightweight bar(that would go right on another saw), and a case. But I don't really need another, haven't even messed with the one I have lol.
Just for the heck of it, I called the dealership that I got a good deal on my 462 from to get a number on a 500. I was pretty shocked when he told me 1,500. This is the same dealer that I paid 1K for my 462 when all of the other dealers around were charging about 1,250.00 at the time (they were still pretty new to our market). I think that's about the going rate that I see them for on marketplace etc, but I just expected a better price from this dealer. I guess there's no getting around inflation.
Well, made a phone call yesterday afternoon, and made a deal with a guy I found on Marketplace selling IBC totes. I'm going to take a load of 30 of them from him when he gets them in three weeks or so for 1050.00. I hate to say it, but that's actually a pretty good deal vs what other people are trying to get in my area on Marketplace for them. Some people are trying to get 75-100 a piece for them for the food-grade ones. Crazy.
Well, made a phone call yesterday afternoon, and made a deal with a guy I found on Marketplace selling IBC totes. I'm going to take a load of 30 of them from him when he gets them in three weeks or so for 1050.00. I hate to say it, but that's actually a pretty good deal vs what other people are trying to get in my area on Marketplace for them. Some people are trying to get 75-100 a piece for them for the food-grade ones. Crazy.
They've gotten real expensive compare to what they were just a few yrs ago, and even before that they had been going up in price fast. They aren't as easy to come by these days, so the laws of supply/demand are kicking in with the crazy bidenflation.
They've gotten real expensive compare to what they were just a few yrs ago, and even before that they had been going up in price fast. They aren't as easy to come by these days, so the laws of supply/demand are kicking in with the crazy bidenflation.
Yes, exactly. I was just talking about the recent price changes with the guy that I made the agreement with yesterday. In my area, two years ago, you could still get a lot of them for free, and some people were charging about 25.00. At the time, I didn't think I'd ever use them. But of course, now I've changed my mind when they're going for a premium LOL.
True dat! :) :) :)
I've never seen more people get so stressed out over something they should be doing all yr, kinda takes the enjoyment out of it, and it's not very attractive to outsiders.
Tax time does come close, and I'm sure @MustangMike could tell some stories about that, heck I have many of my own :oops:. I'm all good this yr though :happy: .
Yes, exactly. I was just talking about the recent price changes with the guy that I made the agreement with yesterday. In my area, two years ago, you could still get a lot of them for free, and some people were charging about 25.00. At the time, I didn't think I'd ever use them. But of course, now I've changed my mind when they're going for a premium LOL.
It's like everyone rushing to the gas station when they raise the prices:laughing:.
We all get have hesitated and missed a deal, but sometimes we've saved ourselves some troubles in that hesitation. In the end, it all balances out.