I think it's still really hard to tell, but it's much better than the pictures, very little depth in them.
Quite pleased with what I got done out there last night, it felt like I was getting nowhere, then it finally started filling in. The top of the dam is now really wide again, and now I have a lot more to fill there to bring the top of it all the way up, probably another 3-3.5', it goes slow 1/3 of a yard at a time.
I'm mainly digging in the deep end and taking from the slope going down to it now, it isn't going to be quite as big as I had hoped in the bottom, but there would be plenty of room for habitat if needed.
I'll probably end up renting a large tracked skid to final grade everything and finish the deep end once I get it all roughed in, then I'll kick myself for not just renting it right away lol. I'll also have to rent a skid to spread the clay, the tracks will do a much better job packing it in than the tractor, and the tractor wouldn't make it out of the deep end with clay in there.
Long way to go, but I'm about half a yr ahead of where I had hoped to be
