Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Having my " castle" was a long time in the making.. It is worth every penny. Only thing I farmed out was the concrete, 86 yards.
Same here.
I had the concrete done too, only not quite that much, it was still :envy::envy::envy::envy::envy:.
Doing the floor first was the "key"
I considered doing standard stud walls so I could work on concrete, that would have been nice.
Started on it summer of 20. It took awhile ,, on purpose.. Probably will be doing details forever...
That's how I feel, but at least it's all paid for :).
Good scrounging today. Firewood is a great way to stay busy and make money in-between drive way work and land clearing jobs.
Hope you guys are all doing good. I've been busy as ever lately. Gotta keep pushing forward!
I'm getting really good at barely get'n by!

Cut safe, stay sharp and be aware!
Do you know anybody with a big tractor or excavator nearby? I have cut prop trees before. That is a very dangerous move. I get them close to coming down and hook my tractor up to it to pull it the rest of the way down.
My brother is coming up from Clarkston in the morning to help. We'll take a good look at the situation and I may just walk away from it. I don't like that idea as it will be there until they rot and anyone looking at it can see what a fool I was.

How I wish I could. I have the current edition of windows and while it does download the camera, they go to "Drive E". I can't find the pictures there. I've been on this forum since what back in the early days of windows, posted lots of pics
Been awhile since I posted here. This summer was crazy busy and I just flat out didn’t have time to get online.

Today was a learning experience for me I figured I would share.

Started out my finally getting my new to me Simington 451c dialed in. I picked this grinder up over the summer because I’ve always wanted to play with square ground. The guy I got it from said he only sharpened a couple chains with it. It was all kinds of out of whack, and I just didn’t have the time to deal with it before. I got it dialed in to the best of my ability and sharpened a chain for a cutting job I wanted to get started on today.

Over the summer, we had rented some space from the local bus barn. Long story short while talking with the lady who runs it (I worked for her husband a few years ago) she mentioned wanting to fall some trees that were leaning over power lines and the barns. I got started on this today, starting with the grove shown in the photos. Most of these were leaning the right way, and tipped pretty easy, however one in the middle almost got the better of me.

I was running my Holzfforma 372 with a 28" bar and skip tooth square ground.

This wasn't a big tree at the base, maybe 10-12" but fairly tall. it was leaning slightly backwards of the way I needed it to go, with a highway on one side, and powerlines on two. I could only fall it the one direction, and the slight lean didn't bother me too bad, but it also had a big bow in it that went heavy to the back, and of coarse all the limbs were on that side as well. I figured no big deal, back cut it first, started a wedge, and then did my undercut and started trying to drive a double stack. I quickly realized this tree was too skinny and leaned too far back for what I had thought would work, so I got a double stack of wedges on each side and then tried to drive a triple stack in the middle. I don't remember where I got my wedges at, but they are cheap generic ornage plastic ones and they are crap. They just wanted to mushroom instead of lifting the tree, and when I tried to get the triple stack in, the top one popped out and naturally hit me directly in the face.

I was starting to get a little worried. I had cut all the holding wood I dared from the front in the undercut, and Im looking up at this tree and I know its right at the tipping point, but I can't drive my wedges any more. Im trying to decide if I should leave it and go back tot he house for the backhoe, when I decided to reach as far up the tree as I could and give it a good shove and it tipped right over. I knew it was close, but it kind of broke my confidence having it almost go badly.

So that was my learning experence for today. I learned that those limbs only on one side can be a real pain, and that cheap wedges don't cut it, and also that square ground chain is fricking awesome and I don't think I'll ever be able to run round ground again.

I don't remember where I got my wedges at, but they are cheap generic ornage plastic ones and they are crap. They just wanted to mushroom instead of lifting the tree, and when I tried to get the triple stack in, the top one popped out and naturally hit me directly in the face.

That begs the question, who makes the best, toughest and longest lasting wedges?

I agree that the no-name Chinese ones are rubbish.
My brother is coming up from Clarkston in the morning to help. We'll take a good look at the situation and I may just walk away from it. I don't like that idea as it will be there until they rot and anyone looking at it can see what a fool I was.
Hook onto the butt of it and pull it backwards.
A few months back we were talking about low priced items and high priced shipping. Yesterday I looked up the missing front wheel bolt for my Kioti tractor. The price was $4.08. The shipping was $16.99. I then went on Ebay and bought the same grade bolts, 2 of them, for $8.00 and $3.95 shipping.
Same here.
I had the concrete done too, only not quite that much, it was still :envy::envy::envy::envy::envy:.

I considered doing standard stud walls so I could work on concrete, that would have been nice.

That's how I feel, but at least it's all paid for :).
Is there any other way to do it? I've been planning my shop for years now. I wish I would have done it about 5 years ago, would have been done for the money i have in the frame and concrete.
Been awhile since I posted here. This summer was crazy busy and I just flat out didn’t have time to get online.

Today was a learning experience for me I figured I would share.

Started out my finally getting my new to me Simington 451c dialed in. I picked this grinder up over the summer because I’ve always wanted to play with square ground. The guy I got it from said he only sharpened a couple chains with it. It was all kinds of out of whack, and I just didn’t have the time to deal with it before. I got it dialed in to the best of my ability and sharpened a chain for a cutting job I wanted to get started on today.

Over the summer, we had rented some space from the local bus barn. Long story short while talking with the lady who runs it (I worked for her husband a few years ago) she mentioned wanting to fall some trees that were leaning over power lines and the barns. I got started on this today, starting with the grove shown in the photos. Most of these were leaning the right way, and tipped pretty easy, however one in the middle almost got the better of me.

I was running my Holzfforma 372 with a 28" bar and skip tooth square ground.

This wasn't a big tree at the base, maybe 10-12" but fairly tall. it was leaning slightly backwards of the way I needed it to go, with a highway on one side, and powerlines on two. I could only fall it the one direction, and the slight lean didn't bother me too bad, but it also had a big bow in it that went heavy to the back, and of coarse all the limbs were on that side as well. I figured no big deal, back cut it first, started a wedge, and then did my undercut and started trying to drive a double stack. I quickly realized this tree was too skinny and leaned too far back for what I had thought would work, so I got a double stack of wedges on each side and then tried to drive a triple stack in the middle. I don't remember where I got my wedges at, but they are cheap generic ornage plastic ones and they are crap. They just wanted to mushroom instead of lifting the tree, and when I tried to get the triple stack in, the top one popped out and naturally hit me directly in the face.

I was starting to get a little worried. I had cut all the holding wood I dared from the front in the undercut, and Im looking up at this tree and I know its right at the tipping point, but I can't drive my wedges any more. Im trying to decide if I should leave it and go back tot he house for the backhoe, when I decided to reach as far up the tree as I could and give it a good shove and it tipped right over. I knew it was close, but it kind of broke my confidence having it almost go badly.

So that was my learning experence for today. I learned that those limbs only on one side can be a real pain, and that cheap wedges don't cut it, and also that square ground chain is fricking awesome and I don't think I'll ever be able to run round ground again.

View attachment 1119999
Yeah, an oh ***** can have that effect on anyone. Lord knows we've all been there. The important thing to remember is, you got it down safely and no one got hurt.
Yes, square ground is amazing. Smooth and fast. I wish I had a grinder as I'm just meh at sharpening it by hand.
@SimonHS My yellow oregon wedges snapped - in the desert, not cold. My KHs are tough but soft and mushroom. I noticed a lot of pro fallers carrying and recommending Madsen's. I got a couple and so far, they are a good balance. I made some big aluminum wedges with one-way spikes on them to prevent popping out. As more wedges are stacked, the angle compounds, gets steeper, and they pop out. Putting dirt or sawdust on them helps.

@The Shooters Apprentice I'm pretty cowboy, but even I put a rope or cable in trees with powerlines in the way... ;-)

@turnkey4099 lots of how tos on YT...sketchy stuff!
Just got this, been wanting one. View attachment 1119717
I've got the 1/4" and 3/8" and like them both. They came out with the extended reach versions right after I bought the regular ones. I don't really have a need for the extended reach though. At least not YET. LOL.