Woke up to snow changing to rain and high wind. Cancelled my appointment to be at the small locust scrounge to help pull a fair size BL up out of a deep creek. Butt end down in the creek, bank about 7' high. He couldn't lift it with his big tractor but thinks he can pull it up stream aways and then down. Possible tomorrow.
Tomorrow may not happen. This compuiter refused to boot yesterday and now it doen not go to black screen if no used like it should. Been thinking of buying a new one and I may do it tomorrow. Maybe that will cure the "Find the downloaded picture" problem.
Tomorrow may not happen. This compuiter refused to boot yesterday and now it doen not go to black screen if no used like it should. Been thinking of buying a new one and I may do it tomorrow. Maybe that will cure the "Find the downloaded picture" problem.