Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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G'day fellers,

It took a while to get the Traeger organised for one reason or another but gave it it's maiden run on Wednesday. Pork ribs.

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Came out pretty well I thought for a first go. Mind you, the process was so easy that even a spaz like me couldn't mess it up. Well, not much. Nice evening too.

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I have beef ribs in there now, another 6 hours or so to go. :sweet:
I really hate those Traeger smokers. Everyone around here is getting them and no one has any use for my Cherry wood any more.
NY has them. Odly, Joe doesn’t hunt. But wants me and the other guys he lets on his farm to shoot them all

Going back Wednesday afternoon with my uncle, but sneaking back tomorrow morning before church
Want to see if it was a buck he saw this morning…..
Believe you can’t use the permit during regular season and most are only for adult doe and fawns . So no bucks
This year, I could legally shoot 10 does and two bucks, or 12 does, my choice.

I saw lots of deer, but I only shot one buck and gave half of that to my best friend and the other half to my stepson.

I just won't shoot a deer that I'm not going to use, and I don't want any venison...

NY has them. Odly, Joe doesn’t hunt. But wants me and the other guys he lets on his farm to shoot them all

Going back Wednesday afternoon with my uncle, but sneaking back tomorrow morning before church
Want to see if it was a buck he saw this morning…..
I was wondering why I wasn't invited!

FYI, I have 3 doe tags for that area, but did not want to use my only buck tag on a buck that I would want to mature in future years. Just could not see it in the fog!
Believe you can’t use the permit during regular season and most are only for adult doe and fawns . So no bucks
The permits I have are good during ANY season but are for antlerless deer only. (does, button bucks, fawns).

I don't take fawns, but some folks want veal!
G'day fellers,

It took a while to get the Traeger organised for one reason or another but gave it it's maiden run on Wednesday. Pork ribs.

View attachment 1132502

Came out pretty well I thought for a first go. Mind you, the process was so easy that even a spaz like me couldn't mess it up. Well, not much. Nice evening too.

View attachment 1132503

I have beef ribs in there now, another 6 hours or so to go. :sweet:
What ? No roo ribs.:laughing:
Well, it’s raining and not as much fog as yesterday

Hopefully something comes through

Here is a picture of the field my uncle was on. This picture was taken about 5 hours after we had left.

I ran to a party, then stopped in to “glass” the fields on my way back.

My daughter asked if I had my rifle would I be shooting.

I’m h yes if there was a buck in that group!!

Nice clothes and all!

I’m sitting in this field now, my buddies and his nephew (just got home from the Marines) are in my usual spot

Being a farmer and avid deer hunter I'm sitting on the barbed wire fence. We now have antler restrictions which limits the numbers of deer harvested. I saw at least 10 buck in archery season and only 2 were legal shooters but were to far away. That makes 8 deer I saw that can't be legally harvested except by junior hunters this year. Those 8 can eat a lot of crops in a years time. I can get deer damage permits but they want me to gut it and keep it cold till they come to pick it up. Ain't happening mid August when it's 80* in the middle of the night.
Being a farmer and avid deer hunter I'm sitting on the barbed wire fence. We now have antler restrictions which limits the numbers of deer harvested. I saw at least 10 buck in archery season and only 2 were legal shooters but were to far away. That makes 8 deer I saw that can't be legally harvested except by junior hunters this year. Those 8 can eat a lot of crops in a years time. I can get deer damage permits but they want me to gut it and keep it cold till they come to pick it up. Ain't happening mid August when it's 80* in the middle of the night.
morning @farmer steve
I'm sure you are aware of it but curious if you've ever considered deer fencing? At least two local apple orchards have here after trying the nuisance permit with lots of deer harvested, but still lots of young trees damaged. I would assume both were cost share projects with NRCS.
NY has them. Odly, Joe doesn’t hunt. But wants me and the other guys he lets on his farm to shoot them all

Going back Wednesday afternoon with my uncle, but sneaking back tomorrow morning before church
Want to see if it was a buck he saw this morning…..
Yesterday driving by the Worcester, Mass airport property we spotted a nice doe out in the field and a massive buck with a huge rack. Due to traffic we couldn't stop to get pictures. My wife asks me if you can hunt there. I said nope. Those deer are smart.
Being a farmer and avid deer hunter I'm sitting on the barbed wire fence. We now have antler restrictions which limits the numbers of deer harvested. I saw at least 10 buck in archery season and only 2 were legal shooters but were to far away. That makes 8 deer I saw that can't be legally harvested except by junior hunters this year. Those 8 can eat a lot of crops in a years time. I can get deer damage permits but they want me to gut it and keep it cold till they come to pick it up. Ain't happening mid August when it's 80* in the middle of the night.
You know that they have the wrong people running your F&G when they make regulations like that.
You know that they have the wrong people running your F&G when they make regulations like that.
We've known that for years but 1 guy by the name of Gary Alt changed everything. Yes we are seeing bigger rack bucks but ya can't eat the horns. To many TV DEER shows convinced a lot of hunters to support him. Now most guys say they aren't seeing the deer they used to in most places. Suburbia has high populations of deer where you can't hunt. Heck they even bring in sharpshooters to thin the deer herd at Gettysburg military park.
They can destroy a lot of crops quickly. One year they hit my farmer friend's pumpkin patch taking a nibble out of each pumpkin. Another year they did in his green bean crop. That year I counted 3 bucks and 9 does out in one of his fields on Thanksgiving night. They were having a deer orgy.
I’m gardening in an urban area and deer come to my yard for chestnuts, hostas, and milk weed. This year they decimated my green beans—I salvaged only enough for thanksgiving. Other years they ate the pumpkins…. The various peppers and tomatoes haven’t been touched (yet).
finished up for this years cutting, I had to trade the grapple for pallet forks to move IBC totes of wood. The fuel bowl on the splitter was leaking so I got a fuel bowl with gaskets off Amazon. The old fuel bowl had rust so I put on the new one. Only problem is the new gasket leaks as well but I have a new carb I got for a back up. One of my last pieces of wood has a huge knot on it, pictures can't do it justice.
wood knot.jpg
The Vortex and Nikon scopes I've been purchasing in recent years all have the BDC hashmarks that are supposed to allow you to sight in at 100 yds and use the hash marks for longer distances, but I was wondering how they actually compare to what I shoot. I did a lot of searching on the net and watched a lot of videos before I found what I was looking for.

Here is the information from Vortex: The first hash mark is (at max power) 1.5 MOA, the second at 4.5, third at 7.5 and the crosshairs thicken at 11 MOA. They caution that an MOA is really 1.047".

They say for "Class A" cartridges (includes 30-06, 308, 270, 6.5 Creedmoor) to sight in at 100 yards, for 223 sight in at 200 yds (the first hash would = 300 yds), and 22 lr at 50 yds (hash is for 70, 90, 110, 130).

Being a reloader, I'm shaking my head! The difference between a 150 grain and 180 grain in an 06 (or 130 vs 150 in a 270) are substantial, as is the BC of the bullet.

I calculated the scope drop from the Vortex information (based on a 100 yd sight in) as follows: 200 = 3.1"; 300 = 14.1"; 400 = 31.4" and 500 = 57.6".

Most spitzer bullets pushed at about 2,800 FPS will give you drops close to these #s.

My 338-06 has a MV of 2,700, but the 210 grain Barnes TTSX has a high BC (.482) which helps to make up the difference at longer range.

My actual drops for a 100 yd sight in are: 200 = 4.0", 300= 14.8"; 400 = 33.3" and 500 = 60.6".

Good to know this information. The farm has 400 and 500 yard shots. The scope settings are close enough for out to 300 yds, after that I should hold just a bit high.

If I were to increase velocity by 50 FPS, I would be pretty much right on the money! However, my load is accurate, so I'm keeping it.

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