Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I do gotta agree, there is something just wrong with the youth of today. For every good one there is 20 lazy do nothings. It's sad. I've tried a few times to help some of the better natured ones out at work, and it always blows up in my face. Sad shape were in if this is what's going to be running the country....
Regarding that picture that Matt posted, that was the annual Rocky Marciano memorial bouts held in Westchester County NY. A picture of him is on the "Best Fight of the Night" trophy. No one expected me to win that night, my opponent resembled Mike Tyson. After the fight, they threw a towel over my neck and rushed me over for the picture so fast I still had the mouthguard in my mouth!

My trainer, Steve Acunto, was personal friends with Rocky, and Rocky was scheduled to be at one of my bouts when he died in the plane crash. Steve lived to be 102 and was on the NYS Athletic Commission for over 60 years. He is in the Boxing Hall of Fame, and the NY + NJ Boxing Halls of Fame. He was broken hearted I did not go pro.

John LoBianco was a world-famous referee, and our referee. He told me I had a perfect build for a Light Heavyweight fighter and that I should never quite boxing.

Tony Castillano (not pictured) was a world-famous boxing judge, and also judged our bouts. He told me I had excellent footwork and could hit well with either hand, and said that if I ever wanted to turn pro, to let him know.

I had recently got married, had a daughter, bought a house, and got a white-collar job, so it was just not in the cards. You just can't do everything! For my family, I took the surer path.
I do gotta agree, there is something just wrong with the youth of today. For every good one there is 20 lazy do nothings. It's sad. I've tried a few times to help some of the better natured ones out at work, and it always blows up in my face. Sad shape were in if this is what's going to be running the country....
Brother and I were raised that when we helped out with Dad's projects were were up early and ready to go when Dad was. Years ago, my BIL had a yard tree taken down. Brother and I decided to help him out cutting it up since I had a decent saw. We went over to help him out in the morning and the BIL's boys were still in bed! My Brother who is a go-getter, went down to there rooms and jumped on them. Needless to say, they weren't much help because they weren't raised that way. Had to be told when brush we cut had to be pulled away. They were from the 'Don't discipline my child' generation.
Brother and I were raised that when we helped out with Dad's projects were were up early and ready to go when Dad was. Years ago, my BIL had a yard tree taken down. Brother and I decided to help him out cutting it up since I had a decent saw. We went over to help him out in the morning and the BIL's boys were still in bed! My Brother who is a go-getter, went down to there rooms and jumped on them. Needless to say, they weren't much help because they weren't raised that way. Had to be told when brush we cut had to be pulled away. They were from the 'Don't discipline my child' generation.
It's sad that modern people think they know how to raise kids better than the tried & true methods that were used forever.....
The proofs in the pudding and it looks to me like the modern pudding is pretty bad.👎
I've got Allison saying "Can we go do wood again today? (please)"
Can't turn her down, can I?
Allison splitting wood.jpg
20's at night 30's daytime sunny and dry. Perfect cut'n weather!
Been waiting for this so I don't hurt the hay and alfalfa field driving on it.
Cut off about 12' off that downed oak, pulled it up over the rock fence into the field. Too heavy to drag the whole limb at once.


Bit less than a cord today, mostly that Oak, and some ash I also pulled up out of the woods. Mostly noodled in half then hand split before it went in the van.

Van handles the load well.
Might go tomorrow, get a face cord that's already bucked and split. Deer hunters are there over the weekend.
Thanks for putting up with my endless scrounge story...
Got the rest of the story after my daughter got home.
Disclaimer, I'm not good at handling these situations to begin with, so my wife and I had a chat before we approached her about what happened.
So, she pretty much said exactly what the principal said, except we got the rest of the story. She said her and 2 friends were playing at the fire pole on the play ground. A fourth kid (the boy) decided he needed to come up. Apparently there is barely enough room for three kids at the top of this thing, so when the boy came up he proceeded to shove my daughter into a corner. She said she told him to get off,but he didn't so she kicked him. Wasn't aiming, but connected with his balls. He screamed, which caught the proctors attention. She came over and made them all get down, listened to the boys story, and marched my daughter to the principals office.
One of the girls that was up there has been an issue since they started school, multiple times my daughter has come home in tears from things this girl has said and done, and she's done some questionable things, including pulling my daughters pants off several times, ripping her shirt... the list goes on, and doesn't get much better. She was actually transfered to a different class because of the issues. So the only time they see each other is during recess. We've told my daughter to stay away from this girl multiple times, but for whatever reason she doesn't seem to listen. My daughter doesn't have many friends (2 to be exact) at school, so she thinks this girl talking to her makes them friends. My daughter had gotten in trouble multiple times from sticking up for this girl, she's not my daughters friend. She is several choice words that a 7 year old kid shouldn't be called....
Anyway, so I wasn't surprised after I found out how things went down after my daughter listed off the 4 kids involved.
The boy and one girl are just trouble. I did find out an interesting tid bit, the other 3 kids got to finish recess before they were called to the office, and they spoke with the principal at separate times from my daughter. So at no point could my daughter have spoken with the girl that stuck up for her, but the other two had plenty of time to make up a load of bs. Really it should have been over at that point. Sure, she needs punished for kicking the boy, but both the boy and the trouble girl should be in deep do do, for making stuff up.
Needless to say, we have a meeting with the principal tomorrow morning. My wife is furious about all this, so I'm sure tomorrow will be interesting.
I can’t imagine having kids in public schools these days…any public school…they are all indoctrination centers now, not schools like I remember.
if I had kids I would do anything and everything to get them out and home-school them. I would be that guy you see on YouTube, dragged out of a school board meeting by 5 cops. 🤬🤬🤬

good luck tomorrow.
Just got a concerning call from my daughter's principal. Guess she got into a tufft with another kid at recess. Ended in her kicking the kid in the balls. (Which doesn't surprise me at all.) Two other students accused her of grabbing in inappropriate places and saying some things that basically made me speechless. A fouth student, said my daughter didn't say or do anything other then kicking the first kid. I've been a bit afraid of something like this happening, some of the stories she's told us after school, and more then a few times she's come home in tears from stuff other kids have done and said to her. The school doesn't seem to care, I've spoken with several different people and it's always, "well we haven't heard or seen any of these things happen." Bs. I know how my daughter is, I know what she will and won't do, and for her to hit another kid she had to be pushed pretty far. I spoke with my wife a bit about it on my way how from work, and she's pretty angry about the situation. Guess she's going to call the school tomorrow after we talk with my daughter. I'm all for kids getting in trouble if they did something wrong, and facing the consequences of their actions, but something more then the normal stuff is up.
Sorry to hear this...
Good luck Sean, 7 years old, that’s a tough age

Wish I could say it gets easier. My girls are 18 and 14

My 18yo used to make me pull my hair out, luckily this first year of college, well at least she’s getting great grades (3.7gpa)
Not sure if she is actually behaving, she is 10 hours away
My younger one, she is smart as the day is long
Athletic as all be
And God help anyone that messes with her, she can fight. Had me buy couple sets of gloves so I can spar with her

I honestly don’t think the boys would screw with her because she got a certificate in gym in 8th grade for winning the pull up competition. This girls a beast!

He does.
I have a 365 (non special for those wondering lol), it will outrun all my other "60" cc saws, it's a bit heavier though, so I can't fill it up all the way lol.
I've also owned/ ran others he's built that were very strong. The last one I ran was Dall's 500i with a 20" square ground chain, wasn't really fair to the wood :chainsaw:.

Nice summarization of the 60s last page. Now husky has a new 562mk2, it's a bit lighter, but I don't know the specs, sounds like a nice saw though. I may need to sell my late product mmws562 and check it out, but probably not, heck I still haven't ran a 400 yet.

We’ll get you twelve hatchets then…
Bring it !!! , I’m ready ! 👍
I've got Allison saying "Can we go do wood again today? (please)"
Can't turn her down, can I?
View attachment 1135522
20's at night 30's daytime sunny and dry. Perfect cut'n weather!
Been waiting for this so I don't hurt the hay and alfalfa field driving on it.
Cut off about 12' off that downed oak, pulled it up over the rock fence into the field. Too heavy to drag the whole limb at once.
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View attachment 1135524

Bit less than a cord today, mostly that Oak, and some ash I also pulled up out of the woods. Mostly noodled in half then hand split before it went in the van.

View attachment 1135523
Van handles the load well.
View attachment 1135526
Might go tomorrow, get a face cord that's already bucked and split. Deer hunters are there over the weekend.
Thanks for putting up with my endless scrounge story...
Thanks for doing your best to keep this firewood thread on track. Now back to regularly scheduled other stuff. :drinkingcoffee:
You guys see that guy with hair?

That’s uncle Mustang

He and my dad grew up boxing, I might have gotten a lesson or 100 from them

This big guy swung haymakers at me about 10 times which I slipped easily. When I knew I was out of real estate to slip another, I let a straight right fly

He dropped

After a bit he got up with half his face swollen

We get dragged to the office

The principal calls my dad and tells him that I had gotten into a fight. I hear him say no twice and then hello hello hello

My dad had asked him, did I start the fight-no
Am I hurt- no
Then hung up

The principal called him back and then pops gave the explanation that I’m allowed to protect myself if the school can’t protect me

That was 10th grade, the rest of high school… nobody screwed with me

That guy probably had 80lbs on me but no skills

Not saying boxing is the greatest fighting style, if he had grabbed me I’d have been dead

But knowing a little bit sure helps more than knowing nothing
View attachment 1135499
Well done. Bullies need to be punched in the mouth.

Or in the words of Mike Tyson, “everybody got a plan till they get punched in the face”
Got the rest of the story after my daughter got home.
Disclaimer, I'm not good at handling these situations to begin with, so my wife and I had a chat before we approached her about what happened.
So, she pretty much said exactly what the principal said, except we got the rest of the story. She said her and 2 friends were playing at the fire pole on the play ground. A fourth kid (the boy) decided he needed to come up. Apparently there is barely enough room for three kids at the top of this thing, so when the boy came up he proceeded to shove my daughter into a corner. She said she told him to get off,but he didn't so she kicked him. Wasn't aiming, but connected with his balls. He screamed, which caught the proctors attention. She came over and made them all get down, listened to the boys story, and marched my daughter to the principals office.
One of the girls that was up there has been an issue since they started school, multiple times my daughter has come home in tears from things this girl has said and done, and she's done some questionable things, including pulling my daughters pants off several times, ripping her shirt... the list goes on, and doesn't get much better. She was actually transfered to a different class because of the issues. So the only time they see each other is during recess. We've told my daughter to stay away from this girl multiple times, but for whatever reason she doesn't seem to listen. My daughter doesn't have many friends (2 to be exact) at school, so she thinks this girl talking to her makes them friends. My daughter had gotten in trouble multiple times from sticking up for this girl, she's not my daughters friend. She is several choice words that a 7 year old kid shouldn't be called....
Anyway, so I wasn't surprised after I found out how things went down after my daughter listed off the 4 kids involved.
The boy and one girl are just trouble. I did find out an interesting tid bit, the other 3 kids got to finish recess before they were called to the office, and they spoke with the principal at separate times from my daughter. So at no point could my daughter have spoken with the girl that stuck up for her, but the other two had plenty of time to make up a load of bs. Really it should have been over at that point. Sure, she needs punished for kicking the boy, but both the boy and the trouble girl should be in deep do do, for making stuff up.
Needless to say, we have a meeting with the principal tomorrow morning. My wife is furious about all this, so I'm sure tomorrow will be interesting.
Keep us posted…

It’s unfortunate that our kids will end up encountering numerous sociopaths and narcissists through life, who are very good at bringing people back in to the circle after alienating them. We had that same problem with my daughter and another girl at the school… She’s nothing but trouble and the lady who does most of the raising for her, always makes excuses for her actions and blames the other person.

I think the best thing to do is politely put a little bit of fear into the school officials and tell them that you’re don’t ******* around with this issue.
Regarding that picture that Matt posted, that was the annual Rocky Marciano memorial bouts held in Westchester County NY. A picture of him is on the "Best Fight of the Night" trophy. No one expected me to win that night, my opponent resembled Mike Tyson. After the fight, they threw a towel over my neck and rushed me over for the picture so fast I still had the mouthguard in my mouth!

My trainer, Steve Acunto, was personal friends with Rocky, and Rocky was scheduled to be at one of my bouts when he died in the plane crash. Steve lived to be 102 and was on the NYS Athletic Commission for over 60 years. He is in the Boxing Hall of Fame, and the NY + NJ Boxing Halls of Fame. He was broken hearted I did not go pro.

John LoBianco was a world-famous referee, and our referee. He told me I had a perfect build for a Light Heavyweight fighter and that I should never quite boxing.

Tony Castillano (not pictured) was a world-famous boxing judge, and also judged our bouts. He told me I had excellent footwork and could hit well with either hand, and said that if I ever wanted to turn pro, to let him know.

I had recently got married, had a daughter, bought a house, and got a white-collar job, so it was just not in the cards. You just can't do everything! For my family, I took the surer path.
I have no doubt that you could’ve gone far in that endeavor but at the same point you most likely would’ve ended up with CTE and retirement probably wouldn’t of been very fun if you even made it there.
I have no doubt that you could’ve gone far in that endeavor but at the same point you most likely would’ve ended up with CTE and retirement probably wouldn’t of been very fun if you even made it there.

He is as smart enough to make a good life for himself without needing to have his head caved in

I was once working out in a boxing gym down in Rockland, the head trainer wanted to train me for the golden gloves. I laughed at him. Told him just because I fair well against all the guys in this gym, I’d get destroyed. He asked why I thought that, I told him, there’s these two old guys in their 60’s I can’t beat, and you think I’m gonna do well in that tournament???

Gotta know ones limits

I’ve done OK in the few fistfights I’ve been in during my youth. But I don’t think I would’ve made much of a boxer as I’m too slow. Although pain makes me angry and anger makes me stronger so I probably would’ve knocked out a few people who pissed me off enough lol. But I definitely would’ve been a punching bag for the faster guys.

I know folks like watching guys like Ali and Tyson who were more exciting to watch because of their dynamic footwork but I really enjoy watching guys like George Foreman, who can literally just stand there, absorb a massive blow and knock the guy out with one punch.

I think if Foreman and Ali fought one more time, George would’ve destroyed him.

I also think if Tyson had kept his head on the straight he might be considered the goat. Just my thoughts though.

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