I didn't mention my monday..... dad called me at 8am. Which I was still in bed. (Wife and I stayed up late Sunday night, drank a bit etc...

) said a tree blew down in his lane, and mom couldn't get to work without driving through the neighbors field. Told him, ok I'll be over in a little. Tossed the ms400 and gz4000 in the expedition, saw box, gas can and a jug of oil. (No straps rope or chains.)
Headed over there. Here this tree (should have taken a picture of it, don't know what kind if tree it is, smooth ish black bark, grows real tall, but it's super light and burns like paper.) Fell over into one of the half dead locust trees, took out half the top of the locust and got hung up in a branch about as big around as my arm. Dumb thing just up rooted in the wind and wet. Took a few minutes to sink in I didn't bring any rigging with me, since dad said it was across the lane. Went and dug around in dad's shop, found this 8" 25 foot long strap, some decent cargo chain (id guess about 20 footer.) And the only clevis he kept, when he gave me all his rigging stuff a few months ago. His buddy showed up by that time, so I got him down in the field (dad's field) got the chain and strap hooked up. Made a few questionable cuts to get the root ball, free. And got out of the way, when he started pulling. Worked out pretty good. The tree came right out of the locust. Root ball went back in its hole. Bucked up the junk tree. (Dad insisted we was going to burn it for heat.) Got it moved back to his shop, then went back out to clean up all the smaller branches. Talked with dad a decent bit about taking down some.more trees along the lane as well. There are 8 odd real big locust that should really come down, and a bunch of other junk trees like the one that fell over that need to come down.