Anyone have a Stihl GTA 26 pruner? My friend said he was going to get one. I Cussed him out and told him not to get one of those homeowner gimmick tools. A few weeks later my wife was visiting her 80 year old Uncle in NC. He got a cheap $49 China version. He couldn't get the chain on. Carolyn said I could fix it and brought it home. The pin that tightens the chain was all the way out. I adjusted it in so the chain would go on. No problem. While I had it, I had to try it out. My daughter has a 2 acre lot with White Pines on 3 sides and Blue Spruce on the other. The previous owner never maintained the yard. At some point, he took hedge clippers and cut the tips of the limbs off so he could mow closer. It was murder trying to get through the, dead, dry, sharp ends. I found with that little China Pruner, I could stand sideways, and reach in and cut a path to work in. Dang, that little bugger had a niche market, I liked it. Next day I ran up to Ace and bought the $169 Stihl version, with a $20 off coupon. Not only did it work great for squeezing into a tight spot, it worked great on limbs up to the size of the bar. After about an hour the chain started to get loose, then started jumping off the bar. No adjustment on the outside? Took the side plate off, no adjustment on the inside? Pulled the bar out till the chain was tight, and put the side plate back on. That Sucked. Not long after the chain was jumping again.
That was a year plus ago. I just found it on the shelf where all my battery chargers are. Battery was hot, it spun right up. Came in and did a search for tightening the chain? The official Stihl video. Loosen the side cover, do not take off, take thumb and forefinger and pull it tight, retighten side cover.
I wish I had of bought the cheap China unit with an adjustment screw. I can't believe Stihl did that. The only Stihl product that I have ever been disappointed in.