100% agree, but you come to a point where its still a pickup truck trying to do what it shouldn't. I'll have to find the article and post it up, where a gm rep said they are at a happy point with their light duty truck line up, they would have to beef up the frame and other components to take advantage of more power and weight. Kinda a diminishing return on investment with the sky high cost of mfg and sales price.
Really they are all quite impressive these days. Who would have thought you could get a 36k lb gcwr in a 3500/4500 chassis truck? I was pretty amazed beck in the early 2000's when ford said both the f250 and 350 could gcwr 26klbs. My 96 is tanked at 18klbs. Not from lack of power either. Brakes, frame and axles limit it.
Edit: here's that article.