Check auction prices on it on EBay before you open it. You just may be really surprised.went out to get some cooking sherry at a booze store I rarely go to and found this buried on the shelf. Bacardi has not made this for 20 years or more.
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Maybe the meat is too rusty. Use some oil. 15-40 should work.Got a new piece of cast iron the other day but can't figure out why the meat keeps sticking.
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I trapped for a lot of years, and skinned my share of coyotes. It ain't no coyote track.I’m going to guess coyote on that track. Unless it’s a very small wolf, it’s print will be the size of your palm or larger.
Doggone you Steve, you keep digging up pictures of my screwups.....I know most everyone here are experienced cutters but for any new guys. # 4 is the most important.
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Biggin ,Like this?View attachment 1156798
Size 12 foot
Mine ain't that big, I'll give y'all that.Biggin ,![]()
Back, to what would you like it to be?Maybe we could even get @pioneerguy600 to fix the name of the thread back.
I've still got my first .22 rifle and handgun also. Mossberg 240C and a S&W Model 41. I still have my second .22 rifle also. A Ruger 10/22 Deluxe Sporter... I've had it for at least 50 years and the Mossberg was semi-retired when I got it. It was $44 new! The Model 41 is about 43 years old... $280 new. Many 10s of thousands of rounds through both... .22 ammo used to be cheap! For that matter, I used to pay $4 per 20 for 30-30 and $4.50 per 20 for 30-06 when I was accumulating brass to reload. I could reload the 06 for under $10 per 100 in 1973. I feel really old after writing this!I still have my first 22 pistol and rifle that I bought back in the 70's. The rifle is a Ruger 10 - 22 carbine that has had thousands of rounds shot out of it. The pistol is a H&R Sportmans 6" barrel 10 **** with adjustable sights. I can't tell you how many chipmunks this pistol took out in my lifetime. I think these are the two best guns that I enjoy shooting. I think my most accurate .22 is my H&R M12 military trainer that I got from the CMP. It even outshoots the Remington 541 military training rifle that I bought from them.
Not sure exactly what it was, I it was just "Scrounging Firewood" the rest was added later.Back, to what would you like it to be?