Yeah, I fell asleep at 10 in the chair watching tv. Woke up @ 1:30 with a sore neck. Takes me awhile to get back to sleep when that happens.Go to
Bed man.
No idea why I'm up, maybe its because I went to sleep at 930 last night, that's not normal. At least there were coals in the wood burner, so I'm getting a fire going and heading back to bed, 230 is too early to get up.
May do some cutting at the neighbors on the cherry that blew down in his yard today. Also working on the barn, need to get some insulation I scrounged on the ceiling of the section I've been working on.
Neighbor stopped by last night (actually two of them did), said he'll get the outlets wired in and installed this weekend for me. Just need to make a decision on what lights I want to put in there.
Put the final coat of ceiling paint/primer in there yesterday. Hoping to get out and cut some base board, casing, I know a guy who said he's done that before. He said Saturday might work, the weather looks great for that.
Alright, I'm out, hopefully like I took some Nyquil.
Sounds like the barn is going well. Bet you can't wait to move in there.