Gotsch tree farmBells?
How far is Bell’s from you? That’s where we get ours every year, if memory serves me right, it’s up nearAccord. Is this other one closer??Gotsch tree farm
This one is much closer to me . Wouldn’t be closer for you as you have to get off 209 and head up towards Grahamsville. I have past Bells on motorcycle ridesHow far is Bell’s from you? That’s where we get ours every year, if memory serves me right, it’s up nearAccord. Is this other one closer??
Great tha you had the level of emergent medical care that you so badly needed. And great that you appreciate the efforts of the care givers. Hope the prognosis for your situation is favorable. Retired EMTA couple of updates:
For Thanksgiving I did the green bean casserole in the pumpkin in the cast iron dutch oven all cooked with a wood fire outside. Roasting the pumpkin for about an hour before adding the green bean casserole seems to be the key to getting the punkin done.
On Nov. 5th my colon perforated (while waiting for scheduling surgery to remove a section with a cancer) (what I call a colon-disconnectomy). Emergency surgery and a week in hospital. Thankful for skilled ER team and the whole hospital care ( and all support members that keep everything working) team: nurses, PAs, student nurses who are not turned off by dealing with ostomy bags (stinky and poopy) who will be doing this work in the future, and everyone else who kept me going, and my family for their support. Meeting with oncologist next week; will see what they say about my future.
Re: Dealing with estates and how sometimes it doesn't go well: My parents put their assets, including various parcels of farmland, into trusts set up to provide income for the four of us siblings until the last of us dies, at which point the trusts terminate and whatever is left is distributed to our children. Up until a couple of years ago, we probably all expected we would be living into our nineties; our parents lived to 91 and 93, three grandparents into their nineties. We currently range from 70 to 75. We don't do drama.
Basically a bust for me. Spent the morning out at happy land. 7 doe, one little 6 point buck. Only one I could have shot was a doe, and it was about the size of of my golden retriever. Ran out to the mountain with my brothers after the farm. Dad ditched us. (Tagged out in archery season anyway.) My younger brother got his buck the last day of archery, so he was doe hunting. So we went out to turkey hollow, and my older brother went up on the ridge about a 1/2 mile from us. Had a good hike in, got all set up and sat. Right before dusk we had a mum and mutt come in off the top of the hollow, kinda side hilling it, about 150 yards away through some pine thickets. Kinda sat there just waiting for them to walk out.... got busted by the dark. Just ran out of time. Pretty sure they went in there to bed down. Took our good old time walking back to the truck and called it a day. Wasn't a lot of guys out at all, kinda think that's why I didn't see many deer today. One parking lot was full, up on the blue Mt, but the burn side we hunt was deadsville. Not much shooting either. If I don't go out tomorrow afternoon, I'll spend all day Monday out. Sounds like we're going back to happy land Wednesday if Monday/ Tuesday are a bust.@farmer steve and @sean donato how was the PA opener?
Hope you get out today. I was going to go out, but my buddy with the machine shop asked that I help him this morning. He bought a new toy to fix up. Headed to his house soon. I’ll take some pictures and post them up tonight. He seemed pretty excited telling me about it last night. I know the back half of his El Camino frame is rotten away, I think he was looking for something to drop the drivetrain in.Friggin cold and windy.Saw nothing in the morning. Moved to a more sheltered spot for the afternoon and only saw bambi. Had 4 guys come through trespassing and then another couple that have permission (only archery I thought) come stumbling through.
I got disgusted and came back to the shop and woodstove and hunted from the window for a bit. Came over to the house to let the dog out and have a beer and watched 9 deer come out and feed in the neighbors field. 2 were small rack buck. Looked like they were going to move towards @nomad_archer and his daughter but no luck. Today is our only Sunday hunting day so may go down back for a bit.
Rear disc is a pretty straightforward and easy conversion. Shouldn’t take longer than a weekend.He wants to install disc’s in the rear this year….View attachment 1223252View attachment 1223251View attachment 1223253
Nice work!! You older fellas make me look bad with your tidy looking piles!!All the wood is over at my splitting area except for the 17" Ash tree that I dropped this afternoon. That one is all bucked up and the branches are chipped up. I think I have all the wood under the canopy sold this week. I ran out of room for the new pile to be stacked up. I decided to sell it off. I have enough dry wood for the Winter stacked in bins. I just finished burning a full bin today. That's 43 cubic feet of wood stacked tight. Maybe I better look for another heavy duty canopy for more wood storage for next year. That pile of wood in front of the canopy is around 10 feet deep. I have some serious splitting to do. I am having Ash wars.
We ran into some guys that were trapping deer and putting collars on them a few years ago when we were turkey hunting. . IIRC they were from Penn state working for the game commission.I would like to know more about where the deer study was conducted. I think near urban areas, deer activity is later or early in the day. Also on my upstate trail cameras, we get more pictures at night than in the daytime. I would not be surprised if it is different on farms.