Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Well, I got nothing to report. Used the last 4 hours of my vacation up today. Basically stayed in the house while it snowed, and kept up after the 3d printer. It's not looking good for my wife's dad's project. Filament that was supposed to show up today and tomorrow is now pushed off to tomorrow and Sunday. I may run out and grab him something stupid as a fill in, he'll really like the puzzle box when it's done. I wish my wife found it like 2 weeks ago.
Got some of these wago connectors to try out in the shop. Works been using them for year now, in both AC and DC systems. All the electricians seem to favor them, except a few of the really old guys. They are rated for 20 amps in this series, but I figured I'd use them on the lights since everything is led and doesn't hardly draw anything. Also the lights stand the biggest chance of getting changed around at some point, so this will make it really simple, especially since 90% of the wiring is thhn in conduit. Bug nuts just suck with stranded wire.
I did cut up some of that slab wood this evening, but my main focus has been getting Christmas stuff for the kids (nieces and nephews as well as my kids.) Through the 3d printer. If everything goes as planned, and the rest of my filiment shows up Saturday I should have everything finished up Monday after work. My wife did request one specific puzzle box for her dad, but I'm unsure if I'll get that done in time or not. She just found it last night, 197 parts to print, and I've read from 1 hour to 6 hours to assemble. So it may be a bit late lol.
I really like those connectors. I first encountered them in the 500+ fancy backlit Chinee bathroom lights I installed in a hotel remodel quite a few years ago. At first I pocketed them and used wirenuts. Some strange new thing from china... Kinda looked like European DIN rail stuff. Then in one box, there was an existing wire with maybe an inch in the box, Rather than trying to struggle with a wirenut to add a piece, I just snapped the extension into one of those, and then snapped it over the stub. Pow! Done. Slick. After that, I started using them on the rest of the lights. They made the installs go faster. The GC and the Sub I worked for were both very pleased.

A year or so ago, the cheapest place I found to buy them (in the US) was Home despot. Not that brand. I don't remember the brand HD had.
Well, I got nothing to report. Used the last 4 hours of my vacation up today. Basically stayed in the house while it snowed, and kept up after the 3d printer. It's not looking good for my wife's dad's project. Filament that was supposed to show up today and tomorrow is now pushed off to tomorrow and Sunday. I may run out and grab him something stupid as a fill in, he'll really like the puzzle box when it's done. I wish my wife found it like 2 weeks ago.
I still have 3 unused vacation days. I'm undecided whether to use them up or cash them in.
Drove the 68 today brakes are now great ,no more standing on the peddle to stop . I do like the 2 1/2 inch drop spindles and 3 inch drop springs up front . The rear has 4 inch drop springs and I’m contemplating a set of one inch drop blocks . View attachment 1217368
My vote is she's awesome like she sits! Your truck tho so none of my biz. I just like the way it looks right now.... A lot!!!!! 🤣 😄
My vote is she's awesome like she sits! Your truck tho so none of my biz. I just like the way it looks right now.... A lot!!!!! 🤣 😄
Thanks ,decided to leave it as it sits now . If I go any lower I may need to c notch the frame and I’m not into doing that
That is easy to answer. GRAFT. You just assumed honesty. THAT is a mistake!
For the school funding/spending the school district I had gone to school in got caught a number of years ago by some citizens groups doing some checking on how there tax dollars were spent. Turns out the school board had been spending a large chunk of their yearly budget under "discretionary" spending meaning they didn't really have to disclose how it was being spent. For awhile it seemed every other year there was another spending override or new levy on the ballot for more money (higher taxes). Things changed somewhat both at the local and state level so there isn't as much "discretionary" spending now.
For the school funding/spending the school district I had gone to school in got caught a number of years ago by some citizens groups doing some checking on how there tax dollars were spent. Turns out the school board had been spending a large chunk of their yearly budget under "discretionary" spending meaning they didn't really have to disclose how it was being spent. For awhile it seemed every other year there was another spending override or new levy on the ballot for more money (higher taxes). Things changed somewhat both at the local and state level so there isn't as much "discretionary" spending now.
The very fact that they want a kitty to spend out of and not have to disclose where it goes tells me everything I need to know. I worked for a school system for 3 decades and sat in many meetings where dollars were being allocated. The phrase " our tax dollars at waste " comes to mind.
A lot is spent just to " keep up with the jonses" especially on athletics areas.
On those blade style sawmills. My neighbor about a half mile away has one in her backyard that her father moved there about 30 years ago. It hasn't been used in years. I doubt that it still runs. The father is 101 now and living in a facility. There is a sawmill like that about 30 miles NW from me where I buy hemlock boards from. That one is big, diesel powered and loud as He!!. I know of one other about 30 miles North of me where I bought a lot of Oak boards and beams from 40 years ago. I think that one is closed down now. The owner's son started his own mill years ago in another town. I think his closed up too now.
I really like those connectors. I first encountered them in the 500+ fancy backlit Chinee bathroom lights I installed in a hotel remodel quite a few years ago. At first I pocketed them and used wirenuts. Some strange new thing from china... Kinda looked like European DIN rail stuff. Then in one box, there was an existing wire with maybe an inch in the box, Rather than trying to struggle with a wirenut to add a piece, I just snapped the extension into one of those, and then snapped it over the stub. Pow! Done. Slick. After that, I started using them on the rest of the lights. They made the installs go faster. The GC and the Sub I worked for were both very pleased.

A year or so ago, the cheapest place I found to buy them (in the US) was Home despot. Not that brand. I don't remember the brand HD had.
They are made in Germany (I think) supposedly used all over Europe, we're slow to accept things like that here in the states.
I ordered these off the internet, but I did see ideal has some sort of wago (lever nut I think they called them) at lowes. HD is a bit of a drive for me, but I'll swing by next time I'm at my brother's and see what they offer. They are kinda pricy vs a bug nut, but they are super easy to use and reuse.
I still have 3 unused vacation days. I'm undecided whether to use them up or cash them in.
Mine is a use it or loose it thing. Kinda wish it was a full 8 hours, I would have taken off this Monday. But I had to leave early 2 days to get the kids off the bus for early dismissal a few times. Just how it seems to work out. At least they let us break the time up into 1 hour increments.