We have at least two running the area, they cover a lot of ground and fast. Haven't gotten any new pics of them or any pics of nothing in a few days. Yesterday I went out and did a bit of scouting(before all the snow melts again) , found where they entered and exited the property. I was a bit surprised they didn't get close at all to the chicken coop/run, not that they could have gotten in without digging for a while. I have fence down a ways below the ground, 1' and more below the door lol.We haven't seen or heard any coyotes in awhile around our place.
Speaking of puppies. We added one to our family yesterday. Mom is a Black Goldendoodle. Dad is a purebred Golden Retriever. We named him Bodie. He is 25% Black Poodle and 75% Golden Retriever. Last night it took a radio left on to quiet him down at bedtime. He made it through the night accident free. He loves the snow and watching TV.
Cute pup, look forward to seeing pics along the way, they get big fast!