Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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That is debatable LOL Sitting in the cold sucks but when it's 80 degree's outside and the deer are not moving it sucks too. I got skunked this year but not from lack of hunting. Only saw 3 deer all season.

They were taunting me last night though. Guess I need to hunt my land more next year. Excuse the bad pic it was taken through my kitchen window.

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I have bear hunted up here in 80+ degrees. The good thing is it's in the evening so it does cool down the longer you sit.
Bear hunting in 80+ degree temps. Doesn't sound like fun. Can you bait svk?
Yes. I hunted behind my cabin, about 400 yards away. I would go out (armed) and dump bait, go home and change into clean clothes and then go back. I would often scare one of the smaller bears out of the bait so you know they weren't far away if they come in that fast.

I was sitting in a tree, in the shade and the bugs had already subsided for the year. Not a bad way to spend your evenings.

Less bear now, some attribute it to wolves killing them in their wintertime slumber for an easy meal.... Makes sense, it is kind of like eating pork once you get through the hair.
The cartoon about "someone is wrong on the Internet", after a few experiences with some of them, there are two morals I can draw from it.
One is that people who are wrong on the internet usually want to be. ( both: wrong and on the Internet).
The second is that my place on the Internet is in bed with my wife.
I'm the same way, as far as questioning things. I like to understand why I'm doing what I'm doing.
"absolute BS", I love that being used together. Things change quite a bit, and some thinking needs to be modified other thinking should stay the same.
Many "absolutes" are not that, but are things that were taught and passed on, but the reasoning behind was not passed on, although you'd never know that the way people talk.
Why did Grandmas Christmas ham have the ends cut off, someone here knows:innocent:.
Grandmas Christmas ham had to have the ends cut off so it could fit in the only roasting pan Grandma had.:lol:
Drive through the 1990's-newer neighborhoods after a storm, around here(Willamette Valley, Oregon) many folks that live in those developments don't burn wood, they just leave it stacked streetside assuming it will go away. I have gathered full truckloads of mixed fruitwoods, fir, maple this way.
Mainly, I just keep my eyes open when I am out and about and have the saw and truck ready to haul! Also, make friends with an arborist...
Make friends with any nearby logging operations. If they aren't chipping they may let you clean up the tops and the skidder flattened trees. A lot of times they don't cut on weekends and it's perfect for the 9-5 guy.
Hey, where in Maine are you at? My wife and I will be in Bangor up to Presque Isle next month, any tips on things to see? We are scouting to relocate...
I was sure that this was in every owner's manual I ever read. But when I went back, just to verify, I could not find the specific numbers anywhere for a while!!!

Finally, found '5% - 10% kerosene or diesel fuel' in a few Husqvarna manuals, and 'up to 25%' in an Oregon chain maintenance manual. Diesel fuel just stinks, so I bought a gallon of kerosene stove fuel at a home center for this purpose. Some guys turn their adjustable oilers up, when using thinner oil, and at least one manual noted that you may run out of bar oil before fuel, when using thinner grades, so keep that in mind.

As long as we are on 'cold weather scrounging', I guess it is good to remind guys that most pro saws have a 'winter/summer' shutter thing that lets them send extra heat to the carburetor. Different on every saw, so you need to check the owner's manual. Some guys re-tune their saws for the denser, cold air, and some guys change chain angles for cutting frozen wood.

No bar oil apparently needed for cutting blocks of ice from the lake.

Some great cold weather tips guys not that I need most of them often in mid west Mi.
I think it's prudent to run veggie oil when cutting ice to keep the pump lubricated.

Back when I used to cut spear holes we'd run out of reach in mid January with the 15" bar. Wouldn't be a problem now that I have CAD!

I've heard guys will take a mostly used chain and totally grind off the rakers to make it a dedicated ice chain.

Ok, that's pretty cool.
But, I thought for sure they would have got the sled out on it ripping and made it spin about 20mph.
I did something similar on a zero turn mower, it turned out a bit like this....

It hurt :numberone:.
...................................................................................................................................................................................... svk, you don't have to like this:laughing:
Hey, where in Maine are you at? My wife and I will be in Bangor up to Presque Isle next month, any tips on things to see? We are scouting to relocate...
This sounds like a long distance scrounge to me, there's got to be an award for that.
Long distance scrounge award:numberone:.
Better watch out mainewoods:).
Doing some cutting with @chucker and a couple of his buddies tomorrow. Sounds like we have a couple of cords of aspen and maple plus a little pine to buck up. Will be lots of orange and red saws singing at once.
Well that sounds like a heck of a good time! Have fun and be safe!

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