Thats a pretty good song and dance right there, let me play a little tuneNope not gonna happen. " I haven't even had a chance to run the 365xt. And the now MM CS -400 is my favorite little saw. I actually use it more the my 50cc MS271 as its lighter and has plenty of power&
. It is usually an offer(300), counter offer(325) or no and we are either going to make an deal or not. I am not one to give a song and a dance about why I want a price or not.

But wait, I don't counter offer either, 325 rescinded lol.
I do want to get my boy a nice little little saw, he uses the 192t with me holding it, but I won't let him run a top handle by himself.
I've been looking hard at those little echos as they are hard to beat for the price and they are light for the price.