Calling all AS members with Huskys, FS is getting bored with his stihls and wants to run your saws "running huskies but only at GTG'S".
Just admit it already, you want one, or do you only break out the good stuff for special occasions.
I would bring some out to play, but I have some things local that I can't change. I will be a couple hrs closer over spring break though.
View attachment 489407 Got a little snow at the house last night.
LOL Mike at this point he is just trolling y'all.Wish it was not tax season, I could bring some creamsicles that would make that other guy think twice!
Just a little snow. Thanks for reminding me why I dont live any farther north.
Wish it was not tax season, I could bring some creamsicles that would make that other guy think twice!
I have a new house 2x6 construction and insulated well. I even put sm board on the outside of the foundation and parged over it.
Cutting firewood almost has to be a hobby or "enjoyed exercise" cause if you figure your time, there is no money in it. I guess I'm fortunate to be in a not so rural area where most people don't have a clue as to how to run a chainsaw.
I don't need to burn wood any more because we have natural gas, but a lot of people around here with Oil heat still save a lot burning wood, including my daughter!
Sm is a hard foam insulation. Interior is also studded and insulated.@dancan How do you like that 18V Makita circular saw? I have a Dewalt drill and impact driver but the batteries are just about done. The charger only brings the battery to less than 8 volts. Damn replacement batteries are almost as much as new tool sets. I think I may switch over to electric tools.
What is sm board? Is the interior foundation walls insulated as well? Attic, crawlspace, and basement insulation is on my to do list this year. My Englander 30-NCH isn't performing like I hoped. I may sell it and buy the Ideal Steel in a few months. Hybrid tech so it will give long burn times and still achieve really hot fires when I need it.
I wish I had natural gas. If I had it I would probably give up burning firewood. I've had three firewood stack avalanches so far. I freaking hate wasting time restacking crap. Should have stopped around 4ft but made the stacks a bit over 6ft high.
Going to do a full day of cutting on Monday. Finally got the saw out a bit this past weekend to sharpen the chain and ran it for a bit. Forgot how much I love the way it cuts lol. I need to sell the Poulan and get the Echo running. Anyone want a slightly hard to find PP 365?
I just realized this was a super scrounge! This tree fell and hit my house! It wiped out my grill, patio furniture, stair railing etc. Insurance guy was nice and paid me $500 for tree clean-up, besides replacing our stuff. That means I got paid for cutting up close by free wood. Now that is pretty cool.View attachment 488710 View attachment 488709 I scrounged a little wood in the neighborhood today. I got to try out my new to me 064/066 MM hybrid. It is MEAN!36" poplar
snob wood in the smogger.No pics, they won't come out, but it is thunder rain snow storming here! All at the same time, dang weird.
Threw some hickory in the smogger..nice..this is what all of this is all about...![]()
Found another attachment for the amphibious chiron GTG buggy project..hahaha
One of the site sponsors sells these, just saw it on the equipment page..every boy needs one!