Happy New President, USA. I've been watching the reactions and head explosions today with great amusement.
I had to take my new limbing saw in to the dealer today, there is a problem with the spark. It started suddenly. I was doing some cutting and stopped the saw probly half a tank through. Then when trying to start it a few mins later, it turned over a couple of times then died. I put up a full post in the ms661 no spark thread in Chainsaw. In any case, the 661 is in the infirmary for a few days. The dealer is 45 mins away and I have to drive over a range approx. 3000ft high to get there. A range full of trees. Well, if I have to drive over there, might as well take the 460 just in case. Wasn't optimistic enough to take the trailer but perhaps I should have, there was plenty of roadside scrounge.

So the 460 was pressed into service. It did a creditable job on the peppermint log but I'd have preferred to have the limber.

You'll note the other big log there. Woulda needed the trailer for that one but it's a less desirable species. So I set about loading up the Outback.

But nagging in the back of my mind is: "Would dancan think that was enough"?

That's better. And safety first for the passengers in the front!

And ok, the tow hitch wasn't dragging in the snow but she was squatting down pretty low.

It worked out to be a bit over half a metre which was very acceptable for a 30 min scrounge.
I had to take my new limbing saw in to the dealer today, there is a problem with the spark. It started suddenly. I was doing some cutting and stopped the saw probly half a tank through. Then when trying to start it a few mins later, it turned over a couple of times then died. I put up a full post in the ms661 no spark thread in Chainsaw. In any case, the 661 is in the infirmary for a few days. The dealer is 45 mins away and I have to drive over a range approx. 3000ft high to get there. A range full of trees. Well, if I have to drive over there, might as well take the 460 just in case. Wasn't optimistic enough to take the trailer but perhaps I should have, there was plenty of roadside scrounge.

So the 460 was pressed into service. It did a creditable job on the peppermint log but I'd have preferred to have the limber.

You'll note the other big log there. Woulda needed the trailer for that one but it's a less desirable species. So I set about loading up the Outback.

But nagging in the back of my mind is: "Would dancan think that was enough"?

That's better. And safety first for the passengers in the front!

And ok, the tow hitch wasn't dragging in the snow but she was squatting down pretty low.

It worked out to be a bit over half a metre which was very acceptable for a 30 min scrounge.