Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I'm Fumin!!!

Been seeing deer like crazy, including nice bucks at the new hunting spot, had a 8 pt bed down behind a tree just 30 yds away!

Then, a neighbor complains, and the owner yanks my hunting privilege! They told him they would object to the subdivision if he continued to let me hunt there, like they won't object to it anyway! I'm really, really pissed! Was close to home, and lots of deer.
I'm Fumin!!!

Been seeing deer like crazy, including nice bucks at the new hunting spot, had a 8 pt bed down behind a tree just 30 yds away!

Then, a neighbor complains, and the owner yanks my hunting privilege! They told him they would object to the subdivision if he continued to let me hunt there, like they won't object to it anyway! I'm really, really pissed! Was close to home, and lots of deer.
Time to get out of New York, unfortunately most people don't realize that deer have to be managed as well or we will all be over ran by them and they will start to get severely diseased. Most people just see it as protecting Bambi when they shut a hunter down.

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No, both have plain handles. And broken pull-start handles, so who knows what the P&C look like. I'm sure I'll be getting to them soon. I dug into one of the MS261's last night, and was pleased to find a good jug and piston, so between the 5 Stihl carcasses I have, I should at least get one runner for free.
This belongs in the "you suck" thread . And are you gonna get some you suck replies for sure.
I'm Fumin!!!

Been seeing deer like crazy, including nice bucks at the new hunting spot, had a 8 pt bed down behind a tree just 30 yds away!

Then, a neighbor complains, and the owner yanks my hunting privilege! They told him they would object to the subdivision if he continued to let me hunt there, like they won't object to it anyway! I'm really, really pissed! Was close to home, and lots of deer.

Sorry to here that mike. I like the post as an acknowledgement that I read it. But in know way shape or form do I like what I was reading.
I'm Fumin!!!

Been seeing deer like crazy, including nice bucks at the new hunting spot, had a 8 pt bed down behind a tree just 30 yds away!

Then, a neighbor complains, and the owner yanks my hunting privilege! They told him they would object to the subdivision if he continued to let me hunt there, like they won't object to it anyway! I'm really, really pissed! Was close to home, and lots of deer.
That is ridiculous. I am sorry Mike.

We had access denied from crossing someone's land to access our hunting cabin due to a bully neighbor. I know the feeling.

Wudpirat liked one of dancan's posts on the previous page, so he's about.

Bad luck about the deer hunting spot. Nice use of blackmail by the neighbour of your property owner mate too. No doubt he thinks it's perfectly justified ... hard to know what is going through some people's heads sometimes.
@MustangMike - Cant stand people that make threats to get there own way when what you were doing didnt impact them. People could use a good healthy dose of mind your own business these days. I for one dont care what someone does as long as it is within the law, doesnt put anyone in danger, and doesn't impact me even if I dont agree with it.

I have friends that live in NY and they moved into a new house and the neighbors didn't like their dogs. So the neighbor came onto my friends property and says one of the dogs allegedly bit him and that he has pictures from the doctor etc. If the dogs go away he wont go any farther with his alleged complaint. Problem is that was months ago and nothing was filed with the local pd. My friends have the dogs living with there parents and are looking to possibly move. I would have handled the situation differently and it is a he said/she said situation. Add in the black mail threat to get them to get rid of the dogs and I would have looked at my legal options very hard. If the law was on my side, I would have legally pressed the neighbor and made it a headache. Then I would have build a huge obnoxious fence on his property line. I have no tolerance for bullies and most don't like when someone hits back. But alas not my fight so its easy to be a arm chair quarterback.

To tie this back to your situation mike, I cant stand the bullies that dont like what someone is doing so they make threats to get there way.
I'm Fumin!!!

Been seeing deer like crazy, including nice bucks at the new hunting spot, had a 8 pt bed down behind a tree just 30 yds away!

Then, a neighbor complains, and the owner yanks my hunting privilege! They told him they would object to the subdivision if he continued to let me hunt there, like they won't object to it anyway! I'm really, really pissed! Was close to home, and lots of deer.
Sorry to hear Mike, that would be very frustrating. 2 guys from Texas bought the timber company land in this area and plan on locking most of it up, its where I go hunting and most of my firewood scrounging, will have a very significant impact on this area.
I'd welcome you guys to all hunt with me but we shot the last two deer in the area. Way too many wolves. But any of the regulars here would be welcome if only for the camaraderie.

Next week is bear camp here. 3 bears in 30 years. But, not a one of us would miss it for the world. If any of y'all are ever in the area the week of thanksgiving, we definitely have a cup of coffee or a glass of bourbon with your name on it.
Next week is bear camp here. 3 bears in 30 years. But, not a one of us would miss it for the world. If any of y'all are ever in the area the week of thanksgiving, we definitely have a cup of coffee or a glass of bourbon with your name on it.
Sounds like a great time!
The scrounges are coming thick and fast. Actually, they're a bit thin because today I had to do it around picking up kids from school and delivering to ballet and whatnot, but they certainly are fast. I've moved into a part of the farm that is full of Paterson's Curse so the lady farmer doesn't have the cattle in there and the grass and weeds have been exploding out of the ground now that we're getting some sunshine after all the rain. My pre-scrounge reconnaissance had spied a fallen peppermint that looked fairly solid not far from the fallen monstro-bluegum that I posted a couple of days ago (which is in the background, below). Unfortunately, the grass around it has grown a lot as well which makes it that much more awkward and full of snakes. Not to worry, snakes are nature's quitters, they stop biting you after an hour or so. Onto the peppermint.

14th Nov5.jpg

I got much of the way along both trunks before I hit significant termites. Even then, if I wasn't in a hurry, I'd continue on and finish both and just split out the termitey middle. However, the clock is ticking and I'm going after the easy scrounge. So I split this up and left the rest for the termites to finish up. Well, maybe I'll come back to it after the monstro-bluegum is taken care of :chainsaw:.

14th Nov7.jpg

I know it doesn't look that wonderful in the photos but peppermint is very interesting looking wood and while it's not a structural timber/lumber, it makes very interesting floorboards :reading:. And great firewood.

14th Nov6.jpg

This was one tank's worth of cutting for the 460. When I first got the 460 in 2009, one tank equated to about a metre of green eucalypt (compared to more than 2 tanks in the 310). This is dry wood but I've also become a bit more efficient in my cutting with practice so we can call it a metre and a bit, maybe a third of a cord or a touch under. :)
Next week is bear camp here. 3 bears in 30 years. But, not a one of us would miss it for the world. If any of y'all are ever in the area the week of thanksgiving, we definitely have a cup of coffee or a glass of bourbon with your name on it.
my dad used to take me bear hunting near morris run back in the late sixty's. our "camp" was an old ford station wagon and a coleman stove. :crazy2: never saw a bear.
I'd welcome you guys to all hunt with me but we shot the last two deer in the area. Way too many wolves. But any of the regulars here would be welcome if only for the camaraderie.

Yes! There may not be many deer but don't you have a healthy population of large toothy fish?
my dad used to take me bear hunting near morris run back in the late sixty's. our "camp" was an old ford station wagon and a coleman stove. :crazy2: never saw a bear.

I live just a few miles from Morris Run. There's plenty of bear around, but there are also plenty of places to hide. :cheers:
OK Guys, you just can't make this up!

Was in my stand this morning, and again in the afternoon till dark. In the am, a Chickadee landed on me, and stayed for a bit, and I watched a plaited woodpecker at 20 yards eating bugs. In the pm, saw a black squirrel, then a doe & fawn just as dark was setting in.

Now, for the unreal. The wife asks me to go with her mid day to walk the dogs (we each walk one). We go to a new section of the bike path that is still being developed. There is a 6 1/2' chain link fence between the path and the unused RR tracks. All of a sudden, my wife says "a deer". It is a large buck, likely past his prime. Large, wide beams, but not many points, and not long, but a big bodied deer. I think it was a 6 pt with a spread of about 22-24". The deer is on the other side of the fence, our dog Lucy starts barking. Instead of retreating, the deer comes toward us and tried to jump the fence on to our side, about 20 yards away! It does not clear the fence, falls on it's butt, wheels around and runs away. This is right under the I 84 overpass with constant traffic & noise! I don't know what the heck he would have done if he cleared that fence, and I gotta tell ya, I'm glad I did not find out!

Strange does not even begin to describe it!
That right there is some crazy stuff Mike.
Reminds me of going to my BIL's house one time who is oddly enough also named Mike. We were out back right after he bought it and he points out towards the woodline and says look a hummingbird, within seconds it had flown the 50 yards and was about a ft from his hand.
I love stories like that.
Sorry about loosing you hunting spot, hopefully it will become clear soon why that all took place, as I'm sure it will all work out great for you in the end :).