Off topic?!?! We are right on topic. Go back a few hundred pages, this is a trend. Everything is fair game, hunting, fishing, guns, bows, wine, beer, exercise, bikes, cars, snowblowers, boats,
MAPLE SYRUP, etc. I think we talked about Maple Syrup for like two weeks or more. This is like the lazy mans Good Morning Checkin thread with some firewood scrounging mixed in. On a side note the Good Morning Checkin thread has so many posts it is almost impossible to keep up if you not on there every day. I feel like this thread is more like hangin out at the cabin with the guys bs thread.
Keeping with the off topic trend. The kiddos are up

mommy is cranky. I sent her sleepy, grouchy butt back to bed, and made a 6oz cup of this stuff I got at the discount grocery store. The only think that makes sense on the label is 100% pure coffee and espresso. Dang is this stuff good! Give me two cups of this stuff and 10 minutes and I will take over the world..... zing (no hazelnut creamer needed).