Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Your son in-law is not one for physical activity is he??? Just Kidding. Hey why doesn't he just leave the keys to his pick-up truck so you don't have to whip your new trailer so much. Hope you put down some 3/4 inch ply wood, Ive seen many a trailer floor get whooped out doing firewood. My buddies trailer looks like crap now. Gonna be dropping that white oak at mikeys tomorrow night.
I'd say that is DAMN impressive.

Thanks Mainewoods.

That tree wound up being 2/3 of a row. I was hoping it would of been a little better. It just didn't look like much once stacked.

And then there is always Dancan, who stuffs that much wood into the minivan on a regular basis, and you are brought back to reality after you have thought you have accomplished something.:laugh:
The saw work was good but that ten minute fiskarizing was real dang good!

Thanks Zogger. People underestimate that axe. I will never own anything else except a new one.

You were rattling around in the back of my head when I was zipping up the top. I drew the line at less than forearm size for not cutting.

I could hear you hollering, "You left what?!?!?!?"

I did my best, not much from the top was left. The 394 was flying around.
Nice pile of wood there benp ! That sure was a very productive afternoon :)
MustangMike , you need to get some pics of those family events !



I managed to get an hour on the RonCo LH ver 1.1 , all gussets and braces are welded in on the axle beam , I've got the rotating hitch made and I'll be cutting the main beam and bunk arms today .
BTW , benp , I know that little zogger voice you speak of and had to ignore him a couple of times LOL

HAHAHAHA! I did it myself yesterday. It was wet and foggy, so instead of mowing right off the bat I went and got some wood. Did up some of the main trunk, sun burned through, temp seemed to jump 20 degrees or more, instasweat, stopped there with most of the top still intact, went home, unloaded, fired up a mower.

I'll go back and get the smalls sometime though.

I have a little window this time of year to get to the wetter areas and haul out wood, looks like it will be back to mud season soon.
Georgia GTG pics start on this page

Right now I look like Yosemite zog.....Ha, mule, ha! Giddyup!

..I need to ride the donkey one day to try that out....

That is pretty darn close to how I pictured you. A bearded wild man. lol

You need to get yourself a fist afro pick for that power beard of yours. A buddy of mine did that and it's hilarious when he pulls it out of his beard and starts fluffing it with the fist pick.
That is pretty darn close to how I pictured you. A bearded wild man. lol

You need to get yourself a fist afro pick for that power beard of yours. A buddy of mine did that and it's hilarious when he pulls it out of his beard and starts fluffing it with the fist pick.
I figured facial hair but less of it!
As dancan said, get pictures of the firewood event that has the family involved. Those will be cherished pictures many years from now. That's the way we did it many years ago, picnic type lunch, cooler, didn't even feel like work, no pictures though.
I figured facial hair but less of it!

*snort* people around here and in town call me mountain man, boss calls me wooly bugger...and this isn't even a big one, had some real decent ones before, at least equal to duck dynasty dudes...

I've had a beard like since as soon as I could grow one, minus a couple sales jobs I had.

School always made me shave though...never could beat that, but finally got them to drop the dress code...that took some work and "political activism", hahahahahaha

Boss wants me to shave, bugging me, finally one day I go, "OK, I'll shave like when I was a salesman making serious loot, how much more money do I make"?

He slowed down bugging me about it....

I cut it off short twice a year (same with my hair), once in the spring and I throw it around the yard and the birds grab it to make nests (really, it happens, I think it's neat...) then sometime soon around the winter holidays.