Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Nazi, we were scheduled to deliver a house to Markdale today. We cancelled the set and are hoping for tomorrow to get it done. My guys were heading to Warren (between North Bay and Sudbury) on Monday and got pulled over in Clifford. Bad timing as 3 MTO trucks were meeting at the restaurant there. They kept us on the side of the road all day doing Safety checks, they could find nothing wrong with the equipment so we ended up with a little over $2000 in fines for Oversize permit violations. Basically for leaving the yard during a snow event ( under 1 cm predicted) and 2 tickets for driving with windshield wipers on. We left the next morning and one of my drivers managed to snap off a hydro pole in Mount Forest. Met a car with cars parked on both sides of the narrow road and the car didn't stop so at 16' wide he had to pull over. Clipped the pole and snapped it off. Still waiting for paperwork on that one. Heading to Wiarton next Wednesday with another one so hoping for a better week. I drove home from work today on a closed road and met a cruiser but he kept going, was nice and clear at that time. Joys of living in Canada .
Good news is it's warm at home.
Finally got my Husqvarna 51 to tip top shape I hope (new fuel lines, filter, air filter and housing, new bulkhead, random screws that weren't correct, replaced the stripped muffler bolt, new clutch, and have a new carb just in case the original won't tune.) OEM p&c still look new. Hoping to put it and my cs-590 into some wood this weekend
Duncan, Oversize permit doesn't allow the continuous use of wipers. That means that it raining or snowing too hard to be safe to drive. Visibility is reduced. Lots of silly rules but it's to keep everyone safe. I drive escort a lot and you wouldn't believe how some people react around us. The worst is when people try to beat us thru narrow bridges. We had 3 instances this summer when escort vehicle stopped cars and the car then took off and tried to beat us across the bridge. This means our driver has to hammer on the brakes, we're hauling a 30,000 load on a 30,000 lb trailer and instant flat spots or blow outs on the trailer tires. This one cost of $5000 to get back on the road, my driver pulled over to let another truck pass, shoulder gave way.
Duncan, Oversize permit doesn't allow the continuous use of wipers. That means that it raining or snowing too hard to be safe to drive. Visibility is reduced. Lots of silly rules but it's to keep everyone safe. I drive escort a lot and you wouldn't believe how some people react around us. The worst is when people try to beat us thru narrow bridges. We had 3 instances this summer when escort vehicle stopped cars and the car then took off and tried to beat us across the bridge. This means our driver has to hammer on the brakes, we're hauling a 30,000 load on a 30,000 lb trailer and instant flat spots or blow outs on the trailer tires. This one cost of $5000 to get back on the road, my driver pulled over to let another truck pass, shoulder gave way.
View attachment 543861
Is that Royal Homes?
So... What happens if you find a Moose with its Tongue frozen to the side of your truck????

The FIRST thing you do is take a picture. Cuz I gotta see that. The 2nd thing you do is grab the gun. The 3rd thing is grab a knife. To cut his tongue off the truck.

wait....why was a moose licking your truck?
Did a little scrounge out back again.



sent from my electronic leash

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