Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Wood farmer, it sticks out about 4' behind the 3pth arms so I can get to pretty much every log sometimes have to grab from the side if stump is big or tree slides away from stump. I usually cut a small notch and cut low anyway. I had access to a farmi winch but decided for this bush it just wasn't the best tool. Very seldom use a chain anymore and I have more seat time now. Lot easier on th body. Storming here today and cold so I'm going to the open easy section instead of playing in the mud in new section. It's sheltered so not frozen in there yet.
I was wondering how that was going when I drove by earlier. Will there be more after that.

Its going slow because the &^%$@(&^(@ ground wont freeze. Tried getting some splitting done the last 2 days and I could only get about 1.5 cords before I stopped because I was tearing the yard up.

Should be a fair bit more.... If I go by the history of whats been gotten, maybe 16 more loads.
Only way I am playing is with a ported 395xp or 3120xp.

Unless its a noodle competition. Every stihl I have noodled with liked to clog up the clutch cover where as the design of the husky clutch cover keeps the noodles flying.
I don't know...;)
Unless its a noodle competition. Every stihl I have noodled with liked to clog up the clutch cover where as the design of the husky clutch cover keeps the noodles flying.

That's because the husky slows down in the cut. The Stihl just keeps eating.

sent from a field
Only way I am playing is with a ported 395xp or 3120xp.

Unless its a noodle competition. Every stihl I have noodled with liked to clog up the clutch cover where as the design of the husky clutch cover keeps the noodles flying.
I'm always playing if I can get someone all excited, then I've won :numberone:. You know I play both sides, but orange is my favorite color :).
This one should clear the chips all right, what do you think Mike.20161206_210451.jpg20161206_210830.jpg20161206_211011.jpg
Don't be getting the chevy coveres in noodles buddy :D.
I seenwe need to get you in some hardwood though ;).
What's wrong in then tranny on that thing anyway.
Chevy's like noodles :D.
Ya it was pine, but didn't get too plugged up;).
Well sold the Chevy and new owner took trans apart and found out whoever had it apart before got a little carried away with silicone and covered oil hole for front bearing, so front bearing was bad.
Its going slow because the &^%$@(&^(@ ground wont freeze. Tried getting some splitting done the last 2 days and I could only get about 1.5 cords before I stopped because I was tearing the yard up.

Should be a fair bit more.... If I go by the history of whats been gotten, maybe 16 more loads.

Sounds like you have a good bit more to get out there yet :clap:. Don't worry, that ground will freeze up soon enough. I cleaned up a cord from my cutting /splitting area Wednesday so I'm ready to cut some more myself as I have a pile of 7 or 8 logs yet.
That's because the husky slows down in the cut. The Stihl just keeps eating.

sent from a field
I'll have my buddy bring his little guy down your way, and if your thinking about breaking out the 661, I wouldn't as you'd quickly be looking like :oops:. It's ok though after a port job the 661 will do just as well as his ;).
I like them all, especially the ones that make me a buck or two. Porting doesn't make me more money, but less, which is why I only have a couple ported saws. I do have one I'm thinking of keeping and might get inside of, well see.
Here's the latest one I scrounged up. It will most likely be getting sent down the rd in a trade for a set of wheels and tires for my oldest daughters CRV :envy:.
I have to say I like both colors.... maybe husky a little more. On a side note I need to go split some wood supposed to be -15 next week.
Getrdun Nate, that's a bit chilly :cold:, can't believe that pine stays in the stove long:blob2:. Yes I like orange :).20161227_051622.jpg
Wow that's a nice 346! The P pine is for camp firewood, I do burn a fare amount of lodge pole pine in the stove and it actually does pretty good. Like red fir the best though.
Thanks. I sold an oe a couple months ago that was way cleaner :surprised3:. I just picked up another ne recently as well which I'd rather keep than this oe even though it's not as clean. I would rather have the orange side cover though rather than the grey, like I said I like the orange better, I'd even rather have the orange top cover clips :D.
Do you get much hardwood out there.
Here's a little pine I took out on a small job I did.
Video title is because I've been told countless times by another member ;) how dangerous the step cut technique I use with my tractor/skidding winch is:lol:.

Here's how the stump of the larger one on that job looked after falling it. I couldn't believe it held all the way to the ground and even after I cut the top from the butt section. You can see I had a rope on the butt just in case the whole tree wanted to roll down the hill after being dropped because I thought for sure it wouldn't hold as it did.20161210_154314.jpgHere's the boy(he just turned 9) trying hard to get the tip of his fiscars into a piece of black locust :sweet:.
I cleaned up and hand split a little pile that was in the way of putting the sides on my wood shed. Now my wood storage in the house is full of black locust :baba:, my choice of wood to burn when it gets colder :yes:.20161227_132832.jpg20161227_133919.jpg
Anyone cut columnar poplar? Same or similar density as aspen/cottonwood?
No Not that I know of, why are you asking.
I don't think I'd want to tangle with mike's saws unless I had at least a ported 461.
So now it's a stihl against stihl fight lol.
Thanks. I sold an oe a couple months ago that was way cleaner :surprised3:. I just picked up another ne recently as well which I'd rather keep than this oe even though it's not as clean. I would rather have the orange side cover though rather than the grey, like I said I like the orange better, I'd even rather have the orange top cover clips :D.
Do you get much hardwood out there.
Here's a little pine I took out on a small job I did.
Video title is because I've been told countless times by another member ;) how dangerous the step cut technique I use with my tractor/skidding winch is:lol:.

Here's how the stump of the larger one on that job looked after falling it. I couldn't believe it held all the way to the ground and even after I cut the top from the butt section. You can see I had a rope on the butt just in case the whole tree wanted to roll down the hill after being dropped because I thought for sure it wouldn't hold as it did.View attachment 547031Here's the boy(he just turned 9) trying hard to get the tip of his fiscars into a piece of black locust :sweet:.
I cleaned up and hand split a little pile that was in the way of putting the sides on my wood shed. Now my wood storage in the house is full of black locust :baba:, my choice of wood to burn when it gets colder :yes:.View attachment 547032View attachment 547033
I kinda like the grey on the huskys just wish it would stay grey.... Would like to try a 346 sometime sounds like they are a great saw.
No we don't have any hardwood here except for yard trees in the "valley" (about 75 miles away). Burned some birch when we lived in Alaska, sure liked that stuff, long burn time, smelled good, bark was great fire starter could lite it with a match even if it was wet. And it just looked good in the wood pile:).
Yep, that's different than the way I was taught!

Sure is, hard to get a wedge in there LOL(don't try that).
It's a technique that has been perfected through the years(mainly by another member of AS who is quite experienced :yes:) and is meant to be used with equipment mainly. It can be used with a smaller step with just a rope in a tree, but the risk goes up as the holding wood gets shorter, then you might just as well use a standard back cut.
I don't know...;)

Thats how it should work. My MS271 chokes on noodles, Farmer steve's 036's last year got backed up and necessitated periodically stopping to clear the clutch cover. Maybe you need to get to 70cc's for that to stop being an issue. It doesnt happen on my husky or the little baby echo. I kinda hoped stihl would have had that figured out for all of the saws.

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