Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I've been enjoying this thread for a while so I thought I'd make you guys drool now that I finally made an account. My parents had some logging done last winter and this is the leftover odds and ends. The pile from Dec 2013 is what I cut and split over Christmas break to get it out of view from the main road. I borrowed a vertical splitter for that.
Now that I'm home again I'm just cutting on weekends and splitting weeknights with a fiskars. I could probably go faster with a powered splitter but I've had some frustrations with work and school this fall and a couple hours beating the #### out of the woodpile really gets my head right. Cheap and effective therapy.

My 15 y/o assistant has been having a blast driving the "wood hauler" around delivering cut stuff to the to split pile but now the stupid thing is only firing on 1 of 2 cylinders. On a related note does anyone have a good resource for diagnosing john deere lawn tractors?

I'm thinking I need a bigger saw, my biggest is a Husky 61 Rancher, and a 4 wheeler. So I'm contemplating spending ~$15k to cut $1-2k worth of firewood this winter :rock2:

I'm thinking I need a bigger saw, and a 4 wheeler. So I'm contemplating spending ~$15k to cut $1-2k worth of firewood this winter :rock2:

That's the spirit!! Nice little scrounge you have going there. Welcome to the thread.

You might still find a 2014 model wheeler at one of your local dealers for pretty cheap. Or Craigslist...usually some pretty decent wheelers to be found there.
Thanks for the welcome guys!
What I forgot to mention is that uncut pile is less than half of what is piled up and there is probably that much again laying around in the woods. Plus Mom and Dad are having some more trees taken out this winter. :crazy2:
If my therapy sessions get ahead of my storage space I guess I'll have to sell some wood.
Welcome Caw!!!

The weather has been really crappy here the last few days. Sporadic mist and rain just when you think it will clear up enough to get started outside it will start back up.
So I started working on a special project for my daughter. I enjoy doing a little wood working when I have time and I certainly had time today.
She moved about 3 hours away to work last year and finally got a place of her own a month ago.
She started doing furnishings and asked me to refinish the wooden shipping box her granddad ( my FIL retired USAF) sent his belongings home from Vietnam in 1970. She wants to leave all the markings, put a clear finish and try to find some older looking bronze hardware to use it as a living room table. He passed away about 5 years ago and she was his only granddaughter so I think this a great way for her to keep him and his memory close to her.
Welcome to the site CAW, and good luck with that nice project SCBBQ.

The only reason I was not in Nam is cause I got a high #, there was a draft lottery back then. A lot of my friends went, and I remember them reading the names of the fallen over the loud speaker at HS. I graduated 1970, and it was a big school. Our class had over 500.
Got a new/used scrounging tool this morning for $75.