Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Anyone know where would be the best place to aquire a new husky 365. The local dealer gave me the runaround yesterday trying to tell me they dont make them anymore then when he finally looked in his computer to order one he quoted me more than the price of a new 372. Really rubbed me the wrong way since i have spent quite a bit of money there. :chainsaw:
Anyone know where would be the best place to aquire a new husky 365. The local dealer gave me the runaround yesterday trying to tell me they dont make them anymore then when he finally looked in his computer to order one he quoted me more than the price of a new 372. Really rubbed me the wrong way since i have spent quite a bit of money there. :chainsaw:
I would talk to svk's guy.
Anyone know where would be the best place to aquire a new husky 365. The local dealer gave me the runaround yesterday trying to tell me they dont make them anymore then when he finally looked in his computer to order one he quoted me more than the price of a new 372. Really rubbed me the wrong way since i have spent quite a bit of money there. :chainsaw:
Diamond R Equipment in Jeff City just quoted me $759.95 to order one. He's calling another store for me to see if they have one in stock. What was your quote for?
Anyone know where would be the best place to aquire a new husky 365. The local dealer gave me the runaround yesterday trying to tell me they dont make them anymore then when he finally looked in his computer to order one he quoted me more than the price of a new 372. Really rubbed me the wrong way since i have spent quite a bit of money there. :chainsaw:
Mesupra? He always seems to come up with good saws at a great price.
lol. Dude I have to go back up there soon! Still have the safety harness that I'm going to keep now that the wife will be getting a new job. Score! Have to buy a thicker rope though and teach the wife some knot tying. Also have to somehow seal a hole on the side of the roof that the freaking squirrels are getting into. Previous owner used that expanding foam crap to seal the hole before we bought the place but the squirrels just chewed through it. I can hear them running around in the attic's walls. Used a trap last year in the attic and moved three of those bastards to a wooded field a few miles away. I may take up eating squirrels soon.
Squirrel is good eating but it takes a lot of them to make a meal for a family of 4. Just not much meat on them.
Well the dealers price on a 372 was well over 900 before tax. I guess i should have said he quoted it above msrp of a 372. Now back to happy thoughts like cleaning up the yard on this 75 degree feburary day. :wtf:
About them porcupine ....
A true scroungers friend :)




Timber owner hate porcupine , me , I love them cute and cuddly bark chewing creatures LOL
Besides the porcupine trees I had a pine blowdown to go get .


Every now and then it surprises me how slick a little 2 ton logging winch on a little 21 hp tractor gets the job done .


And a dead standing birch had to be gotten as well , I dropped it in there .


30' later .


When I was yarding the birch I got the winch jambed up in the crotch .
I was stuck , couldn't go forward or back up and the 3pt was as high as it could go .
Luckily , Mighty Mouse came to the rescue and cut me out :)


Not a ton of wood today but still a good day , some pine to mill up and some more firewood :)

Mighty Mouse Logging LLC
I am glad we don't have porcupines here. As a kid growing up I saw what they could do to a woodlot and I am glad I am not within their natural range. When we were out hunting dad told me that porcupines were a great source of survival meat because they didn't move fast so you could take one with a heavy stick if you were hard up for food in a survival setting. For that reason he suggested I just let them be when we were out looking for more difficult game animals.



Ayup , slow movers , they'll even stop and play dead .
Petting them is not recommended .
Yes , they are good eating and a great survival food but one thing is for certain , process and cook out doors , , you won't believe that something that smells that bad is edible LOL
Porkies are murder on evergreens. Shot on sight around here.

Porcupine is known in Finland as pica sikka (piney pig). We sing a song in the sauna that goes like this:

Pica sikka, pica sikka, porcanpine
I can see you hiding behind that pine
I take my shotgun and shoot you down
Pica sikka porcanpine

That's the Americanized version. There are several verses in Finnish but I do not know them.

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