Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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All I see are pictures of water.......
Yep. I wasn't taking pictures of fish. To cold to be fumbling around with the phone and a fish. I kept the fish in the water and my phone in my pocket. Figured if I tried to take a fish picture my cold hands would drop the phone in the water.
Any keepers?
There was some nice ones at the gun club. But every where I was fishing is delayed harvest artificial lures only. So everything was catch and release. 99% of my trout fishing is catch and release any more. I will occasionally keep other fish just not trout.
Yep. I wasn't taking pictures of fish. To cold to be fumbling around with the phone and a fish. I kept the fish in the water and my phone in my pocket. Figured if I tried to take a fish picture my cold hands would drop the phone in the water.
Oh we believe you,, thousands wouldn't but we do;). Lol.
No story, straight to bed.

Merry Xmas fellas and fellesses, from the other side of this crazy planet.

Here's what I'm hoping to try out when I finally get some chainsaw time (upside down because we are from down under):
new261 copy.jpg

right way up:


Randy sent it to Andrew in Oz to test with his mooberised 241 and now it is here in NZ I'll get to compare it to my stock 241.
Oh we believe you,, thousands wouldn't but we do;). Lol.
I believe the guys that catch large numbers of fish. I know a few guys that spinner fish that regularly have 100+ fish days on trout. Now if I am bragging about catching on that "was this big" using an arm spread to show size well that needs a picture.

We have a little plaque at the cabin from I am guessing the 50's or 60's maybe earlier that says "All fishermen are liars except you and me. I'm not so sure about you.". That pretty much sums it up.

Honestly I never thought I would catch that many fish on Friday.