Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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For top handles the stihl 19xT series are good. 192 was great. I bought 4 of them.
1 - had it one month and ran over it with a load of wood - trash can...actually on the self for maybe parts.
2 - Couldn't find it one morning, figured it grew legs.
3. Bought to replace #2 and then found #2 where I had put it.
3. Back to dealer at half price.
3. Grew legs one night and didn't even wave bye-bye.
4. 193T to replace #3.

192 was a dream to start.
194 is a bear to pull. Pulls hard cold. Dealer said it was because they put a smaller wheel on the starter.

One big drawback to the Echo CS303T is the tank, very small.
I've had a good number of the 192/193's and I think they all start a little goofy, but once running they are strong little saws for their weight and start very easy.
I have a couple 540xp's now and I have a 201 rear handle I need to finish the mods on. The one thing about the newer 201c is that it has a small fuel tanks also. My buddy had the 355 I can borrow any time I want but I haven't tried it yet. I usually just figure out the going rate for a used tool and then buy it for just a bit less to try it out, if I don't like it I sell it usually at a slight profit and if I do I usually look for nicer one and then sell the first one. I've bought and sold equipment this way for many years. If you want to make money buying and selling get into small mowers and zero turns, great money in those.
I've not ran one over yet, but came close :surprised3:. I did have my little 2153 stolen, it was the fastest stock standard carb 50cc saw I've ran, kinda like mike says about some of his, they are just great runners. I had an ms310 that ran like that too, honestly it was a beast, and would do a great job pulling a 24"(don't tell anyone I said that):lol:.
What does your dealer sell?
Sometimes you get a saw with optimum porting, timing, and tune and they just run better. Curious to know what day of the week they were assembled, certainly not a Monday morning or Friday afternoon model LOL
Never know, maybe someone thinks I'll show them and it ends up being better lol.
The Porter's will say the same thing, not sure why, but this one has all the same numbers and it visibly faster.
Oh and I was at a Corporate meeting all day, big boss man says "for your family" we'd get you a smoking deal on the GT350

Our organization is up a little over 1M for the year, 500k of it is my store. They ran with my ideas for all the stores at the meeting today. Remember what we were talking about up at deer camp.
He's looking over at that 090, just out of the shot, that you wouldn't let him pose with.
No hard core milling saw just yet.
Oh and I was at a Corporate meeting all day, big boss man says "for your family" we'd get you a smoking deal on the GT350

Our organization is up a little over 1M for the year, 500k of it is my store. They ran with my ideas for all the stores at the meeting today. Remember what we were talking about up at deer camp.
No, which part, could you remind me lol.
He's looking over at that 090, just out of the shot, that you wouldn't let him pose with.
No hard core milling saw just yet, and it would probably be a 395 or a 880, but a 3120 would work. I've seen what can be done with a CSM and I'd much rather wait and get a BSM, but I don't see that happening.
I'm sure I could mill something with the 660 :D.
This one came from Pennsylvania. It was in a magazine if I remember correct. Scored like a 198.
Now why did you want to spoil it, and I was all set to give a second, really, really, true story about how I stalked that deer for miles thru the brush.

Actually that isnt the one in any magazine, and I didnt kill it, but it was taken just over the hill from my house, by a lady hunter, or she lied about it. Cant be sure either way. I do know there is/was one that big with drop tines in my pasture a few times that I have actually seen and I assume this is the same one considering where it was supposely killed. Hunting my back yard has been a boon for big deer this year, I know of 3 8pointers and a 9pt killed within sight of my house and there has been 3 more big bucks killed by cars right in front of my house. Last time I saw Methusala he had 2 big 8pt range bucks and one little 4 pointer with him, but that was back in sept.

Well you made me think about it so I went looking and you are right, that deer did come from pa. Here I was thinking old methusala had been killed because I was pranked. But on a happy note, old methusala must be still alive

pa buck.png
Shoot chipper, i watched a guy beat a MS441 to death milling ash with it.

No, cant tell you what was discussed at deer camp, family secret.
I tried LOL, I was going to say I'd like to have the 350, thought that might make it more convincing :).
I did not beat it to death, I made all the Ash posts & beams for the cabin and still runs like new! (and it is not M-Tronic, and it was stock, never even pulled the carb limiters).
Is that green wood, almost all our ash is dead and hard as heck or pinky, not a lot of middle ground.
Do you still have that one.
The Mtronic version I had was a sweet sounding saw, bone stock and smooth as a husky :p.
I've had a good number of the 192/193's and I think they all start a little goofy, but once running they are strong little saws for their weight and start very easy.
I have a couple 540xp's now and I have a 201 rear handle I need to finish the mods on. The one thing about the newer 201c is that it has a small fuel tanks also. My buddy had the 355 I can borrow any time I want but I haven't tried it yet. I usually just figure out the going rate for a used tool and then buy it for just a bit less to try it out, if I don't like it I sell it usually at a slight profit and if I do I usually look for nicer one and then sell the first one. I've bought and sold equipment this way for many years. If you want to make money buying and selling get into small mowers and zero turns, great money in those.
I've not ran one over yet, but came close :surprised3:. I did have my little 2153 stolen, it was the fastest stock standard carb 50cc saw I've ran, kinda like mike says about some of his, they are just great runners. I had an ms310 that ran like that too, honestly it was a beast, and would do a great job pulling a 24"(don't tell anyone I said that):lol:.
What does your dealer sell?

Yes on the 310. I bought one back when they first came out, wore a 20 & 24 bar for many years eating 10+ cord/yr. Still running but is old and tired, sometimes sounds and cuts like in olden times, other times doesn't come up to speed. I checked with dealer on rebuild. Not economical. I use it occasionally just for old ltimes sake.

Stihl dealer is an Ace hardware with one great mechanic. Echo is a rental store. He sells a lot of echos and also seems to know saws.
Ha! I nearly took a photo of that but didn't think it was interesting enough, glad you noticed it though. That old pram is my wood hauler. I use it to move rounds and logs from the driveway out front to where ever I'm stacking, I use it to move splits from the splitting area to the final stack, I use it to move splits up to the house. I fill several ikea Blue tote bags with splits, pile several bags into, under and on top of the pram and wheel to the back door then carry the bags inside. Its nice big wheels roll well even on my wintry and very wet rear lawn, London clay soil, euk, heavy and virtually impervious to rain. My lawn can get very very boggy over winter so I try to stay off it as much as I can or it'll end up a mud bath rather than a [poor] lawn. I'd been using it to carry saw and bits down to the wood pile and to move rounds the 10 feet from the pile to my temporary bucking table (the pile of pallets) and to move pallets around 3 at a time, just to minimise the amount of walking around. Its great that pram, so overbuilt as a pram its super tough! I've had massive rounds of ash balanced in it, its regularly bounced down steps when loaded, and 3 ikea bags of dry splits is a fair weight too. Its been in use about 18-20 months and must have moved about 6-7 cord of green wood and 3 cord of dry splits. I'll miss it when I finally overload it one time too many and break it. I've already decided I'd get one of those garden trolleys to replace it but I'm not sure it wold be so good. :)

Compared to what most people here would use it for, that's a sensible and appropriate use for a pram.

I've been wondering why nobody has picked up the Dyson Ballbarrow design yet. I haven't seen one for sale in over a decade and as mine (a sorry thing I inherited from my father) is rotting away despite repairs.
So , you use a shopping cart instead of a pram ?
the cart is one of my "firewood for sale' vehicles. Fill it up , "yes ma'am that will be $20 please".:)

I got the same splitter, and love it!!!
i wanted the DHT splitter but when this popped up on clearance i couldn't pass it up for $629. :rock:
If I knew you had a pot on I would have been on the next flight out, can't be more than a couple or three hours, Joe.
Better hurry Joe, this ones about gone :drinkingcoffee:, but theres more :yes:.
Last time I was on the coast I was picking up a Honda Civic I "won" on eBay, had a nice drive back.
Back in the day I ran a lot of loads into lawnguyland, glad I don't have to do that anymore :).
Yes on the 310. I bought one back when they first came out, wore a 20 & 24 bar for many years eating 10+ cord/yr. Still running but is old and tired, sometimes sounds and cuts like in olden times, other times doesn't come up to speed. I checked with dealer on rebuild. Not economical. I use it occasionally just for old ltimes sake.

Stihl dealer is an Ace hardware with one great mechanic. Echo is a rental store. He sells a lot of echos and also seems to know saws.
Interesting how that works when you get that one, but also a bummer when you run the others and they just don't stack up.
We have a stihl/husky dealer at the local Ace, he's moving more to the stihls. He doesn't do much selling of the saws, but is very good at knowing where everything in the store is lol. Then we have a husky stihl dealer(independent hardware store) in the next town over, I've tried to get in with these guys for buying used saws/project saws for a long time, but they won't work with me at all :(. The Ace had a great mechanic and him and I had a good relationship and he could order parts for me at a slight discount, but I can get them cheaper most times, the bummer is he moved a couple hrs away.
You could put a 390 cylinder kit on the 310, with a big carb the guys are getting some impressive gains:chainsaw:.