Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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They say the 261 is lighter than the Husky 550, but I don't feel that when holding it, same with the 241, but I am a fan of those, but not because of how they feel in hand.
I think there is a lot of hype on both models, and even my post above in regards to it being a legend is me mocking husky. The more saws you run the fewer that have the wow factor, good thing I like to run them all :D.
They are the IT saw of the year.

The 241 was a nice, smooth running, well built saw but in stock form does not run all that impressively. Mine actually cost more than my 550 so I wasn't about to drop another 300 clams into it to make it run better but still well behind the 550.
You're right about the power cord, big PIA. Because of that and the fact I only trim the hedges about twice a year, I found an old $20 Craftsman hedge trimmer on CL that only required a new plug and Fuel line. Way better than the electric! :cool:
I have a set of Little Wonder, corded, commercial shears. Either 30" or 36", I forget. They will chew through a base ball bat. I only break them out if I'm putting a whack attack on something big like Forsythia. Other wise I still use hand shears, can get a much better finish than with power shears, Joe.
Well I had an enjoyable couple of hours cutting this morning. I had hoped to test two new to me project saws but I was missing a couple of parts that arrived later today and the rest will be in tomorrow so will need to wait until next time to run those.

The 550 did not miss a beat despite having been last ran at elevation well over a thousand feet higher and forty degrees colder. Ran a full tank through it.

The carbed saws ran great and were lightly four stroking. I had initially tuned them rich for break in up in MN and the elevation change adjusted them perfectly to where they should be now that they are broken in. Also tested out a couple of new to me bars and chains. Most worked well but one bar cuts crooked and needs to go in the garbage.

I tell you what, water oak and especially live oak are some tough woods to cut. They really make the saw work! And fresh cut live oak makes your saw really feel slow!
took it easy on the back today and didn't saw much but i got this log drug out of the brush and ready. another victim of the big wind storm in's a nice spru... er i mean can still see the trunk that is left in the second pic. figuring it's about 30 feet tall.20171214_124619.jpg 20171214_124633.jpg
They say the 261 is lighter than the Husky 550, but I don't feel that when holding it,

Not sure what 261 you were using but the new Ver II is a good deal lighter than the previous version. I got one ported by Randy, great power/light weight and worth every penny!
Not sure what 261 you were using but the new Ver II is a good deal lighter than the previous version. I got one ported by Randy, great power/light weight and worth every penny!
The 490 is 10.8 pounds PHO. Wish it maid the power the hot rod saws do but it works for me.
Two quick thoughts. One it sounds like my uncle and I need to send my dads 241 away for some loving. Second, don't knock the electric saws, they serve there purpose. A home owner that doesn't "know" can keep there yard tidy with one. My Grandpa Newt had two that he used to keep his yard clean with. He knew his limits, anything big he called his son in laws brother up to take care of. Anyone wanna guess who his son inlaws brother be??
Not sure what 261 you were using but the new Ver II is a good deal lighter than the previous version. I got one ported by Randy, great power/light weight and worth every penny!
I thought the V2 261 was the same weight as the 550.

Didn't Brad weigh both of them one time?
I thought the V2 261 was the same weight as the 550.

Didn't Brad weigh both of them one time?

I just said it was lighter than the previous version, and by a good amount. I think it was well known that the 550 was lighter than Ver I, but some said the 261 had more torque (not speed).

IMO, the ported Ver II is the best of all worlds!
I'm a little pissed off right now!!!

My younger daughter told me that at her last visit to the nurse's office she was asked if her parents have any guns in the house. Who the eff are they do ask? Is the state putting it on the school to ask?? WTF!!!

My daughter is 8 and thank God she knows, she told me she told the nurse "yes my daddy has lots, he keeps them in his two safes downstairs". The nurse said "so they're safe then" my daughter said she nodded yes.

Am I taking this the wrong way? Is the nurse just "worried about the kids she overseas" or is this something bigger? The government prodding??? I've heard at physicals doctors ask.... Man I'm worked up!!!
I just said it was lighter than the previous version, and by a good amount. I think it was well known that the 550 was lighter than Ver I, but some said the 261 had more torque (not speed).

IMO, the ported Ver II is the best of all worlds!
Right, I was just wondering if anyone remembered the weights from Brad.

Of course the Husky would still handle better, cause it's a Husky :yes:

By feel my 550 has less torque than several of the other ported 50's I've tried but mine cuts faster. Of course that's with 16" bars in softwood and the outcome may be different with a 20" in hardwood.
Billy ,rip , the fella the fella that I gave wood to was having trouble starting saws the last few years so I lent him my electric Makita, at first he grumbled that electric saws were junk .
He blocked up about 5 cord of spruce that I gave him , dropped 2 maples in his yard and cut the extension cord once .
He liked that saw, always brought it in the house when he wasn't using it for fear of the chance that someone would break into the shed and steal it.
I've polly blocked up 2 cord with it and numerous pallets plus some fine interior finish carpentry lol
While my electric Makita and Stihl would be great for a homeowner, they're pro quality and will get lotsa work done as long as you have electricity.
I'm a little pissed off right now!!!

My younger daughter told me that at her last visit to the nurse's office she was asked if her parents have any guns in the house. Who the eff are they do ask? Is the state putting it on the school to ask?? WTF!!!

My daughter is 8 and thank God she knows, she told me she told the nurse "yes my daddy has lots, he keeps them in his two safes downstairs". The nurse said "so they're safe then" my daughter said she nodded yes.

Am I taking this the wrong way? Is the nurse just "worried about the kids she overseas" or is this something bigger? The government prodding??? I've heard at physicals doctors ask.... Man I'm worked up!!!
Just call the principal and have a good discussion about what your daughter made you aware of and find out if it's policy or one person asking out of curiosity or has their own agenda.
Started on next winters wood supply, approx 8mx1m - 2 rows deep. Will be heading out later on today to cut wood for some friends (they aren't up to getting their own wood anymore) so a couple of mates and I get out and get theirs.


I'm a little pissed off right now!!!

My younger daughter told me that at her last visit to the nurse's office she was asked if her parents have any guns in the house. Who the eff are they do ask? Is the state putting it on the school to ask?? WTF!!!

My daughter is 8 and thank God she knows, she told me she told the nurse "yes my daddy has lots, he keeps them in his two safes downstairs". The nurse said "so they're safe then" my daughter said she nodded yes.

Am I taking this the wrong way? Is the nurse just "worried about the kids she overseas" or is this something bigger? The government prodding??? I've heard at physicals doctors ask.... Man I'm worked up!!!
She will run into lots of people with different opinions as she grows through life. I think it’s more important that we talk with our children and educate them to be able to think for themselves. Then they will know what to say, and that it’s ok to say it, when faced with differing opinions.
With the recent political climate, my daughter has come home spouting things she has heard from teachers, so we debate these topics at home. We fact check and she learns to form her own opinions and draw her own conclusions.
The fact that you store your guns safely, and that your daughter is aware of that, speaks volumes. I wouldn’t worry about what she gets asked at school. Not everyone comes from a safe home with conscientious parents. If your daughter sees you being responsible and knows why you do things the way you do, she will be able to hold her own.

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