When you run square it sure makes a difference in how smooth a saw feels, longer bars help a bit too. I like an aggressive chain, but even on saws with spring AV I dont make them really aggressive as I feel it in my hands. Because I use bore cuts quite often, I find out real quick if my chains are too aggressive. Getting kickback in a bore cut spring AV or not is something I really don't like!
It amazes me how nasty the filters on a 460/461 would get, but those saws run forever.
I've been thinking about having a spot in the barn with air specifically for cleaning saws of. I could put an old shower enclosure in and have a wire mesh table there to set the saws on, just need a spot to isolate/ keep contained all the debris. The way I look at it is, if I don't make a mess, I don't have to clean it up

Yesterday I got the last of the isopoly insulation installed on the exterior walls in the shop area. I'm at 3" on the exterior walls which is around r-19 now I'll build 2x4 walls and put r-13 in them. I bought a 250' spool of 12/2 wire and a bunch of outlet boxes yesterday so I can be ready to get them in soon as I get the walls built. I'm still on track for having the ceiling in there next weekend (no insulation up there for a while though), so I can at least have one heated spot out there. Sure would have been nice sharpening my chains yesterday with a t-shirt on and no gloves lol. Looking forward to setting up my grinders in there too, that would have saved a lot of filing yesterday and a file. While grinding is expensive up front, it's not bad in the end if you use your equipment. Once I'm set up I have a bunch of chain to gring, gotta pay(read justify lol) for the equipment somehow. I'll probably sell a couple square grinders to help fund a car lift for the main.
Here's where it's currently at.
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